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And how are you dealing with the dog peeing on other's property?

Simple, she is trained go to #1 on my property. Dogs are pretty easy to train.

Diapers. If not, ban dogs from public property. Either keep them indoors, or outside city limits.

Um, seriously?
By the same logic, after I file my taxes, should I feel justified to go around urinating, defecating and humping people in the street?

It seems to me that the behaviour would not change much, depending again on whether the particular dog owner feels a sense of civic responsibility or not.

I brought up the word "tax" more to indicate that there is a social cost to widespread dog ownership that we all bear, and that's probably not fairly reflected in how things are financed.

I didn't mean to offend responsible dog owners by posting on this topic, I don't hate dogs either, it seems that this subject is more controvercial than I thought.

Diapers? Hey, there's an idea :D
I didn't mean to offend responsible dog owners by posting on this topic, I don't hate dogs either, it seems that this subject is more controvercial than I thought.

None taken. The topic at hand is a very real problem in many public areas.
I didn't mean to offend responsible dog owners by posting on this topic, I don't hate dogs either, it seems that this subject is more controvercial than I thought.

No way, this is a perfect topic. Feces of any kind is not healthy to have laying around in the grass of a city. And it is disgusting. This is a great topic for a forum. This is how great ideas are born.
'Don't worry, she won't bite, she's a sweetheart'

The dog or your kid?

How about people who gob big balls of yellow and brown spit all over the sidewalk? Can we keep them outside of city limits?
I find that some dog owners (some, not all, so do *not* flame me) are rapidly ascending my personal list of Assholes and Douchebags the Earth Should Swallow Up, overtaking other members of the list who include taggers, litterers, subway door blockers, waybill posterers, non-signallers, and lousy bar waitstaff. Even worse are the activist leash-free-parks zealots, akin to their brethren in the cycling and pedestrian communities, whose zealotry and self-righteousness is overshadowed only by their various personal neuroses.

Smithers: People like dogs, Mr. Burns.
Burns: Nonsense. Dogs are idiots!

There, I said it, dogs are idiots and many of their owners are too. So sue me.
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cat poo and piss is another problem too. I don't know about the roads and stuff, but the neighbours seemed to train their cat to poo on other people's lawns.

Another bad poo are horses. I notice RCMP or such riding on horses and their poo drops wherever. Also spit is even worse than poo. At least if you see poo you can avoid it. But if you happen to walk by and someone suddenly spits, it's hard to avoid.
I have a dog and a is indoors always....I pick up after my dog and I agree with the sentiment that there are too many others who don't and I've stepped in it more times than I can count. I pay my license fees religiously even if the city doesn't send me the bill...I call them and do it over the phone. I think stronger enforcement is needed. address a few of the issues I've read on this post. I pay my license fees, I pay hefty income tax (part of which goes to the province and thus is doled out to T.O. I recycle and buy only that which can be). I don't have young un's but I pay property taxes, and rightfully so to give them god-awful over the top safe park equipment and an education. I paid a park supplement cost when I took possession of my new place as did others in my complex in order to build a bathroom (sorry...they call it a fieldhouse) for the Sorauren Park baseball teams. I pay taxes to manage all of those disposable diapers that always seem to find themselves lying on the street if they can't plug a landfill somewhere (our mothers used cloth and actually did some work around the house....didn't need the nannies these stay at home moms in some neighbourhoods can't manage without. I get run over by bicycles on the sidewalk that are vehicles and don't have to pay a license....but we get complaints from crybaby cyclists when they break the rules of the road that drivers should be watching out not to crack their melons. etc. etc. etc.
I could go on...but I won't. Sorry, just venting.
Here's my thought

1) license bike riders...make them accountable for their use of the road/sidewalk....good source of more revenue...they should pay to use paved roads like everyone else who does.

2) ban those gross disposable diapers...we have no place to put them and they are not safe for the environment...get these families to do a little work ....if dog owners have to pick up the poop, then families who want children should be responsible for the world they are leaving them....rinse out a cloth diaper in the toilet and launder it....generations before you did....don't be so's what you do now that your kids will inherit for a world

3) dog owners are taxpayers...not all of them have children...City of Toronto ....don't be so damn cheap...provide fenced in safe dog parks with facilities...and strictly enforce the existing bylaws

4) the garbage on the street is atrocious....I watch those city guys on those garbage golf carts .... they drive down the street like they have a destination, ignoring half of the garbage on the street...take pride in your work! I pick up garbage all the gives you a good feeling....and the guys on foot are even worse. Hard to enforce...not really...put identifiable numbers on the back of their uniforms....citizens pay for this ....they have the right to report goldbricking.

5) Put up messages like they had in Beijing for the Olympics reminding people about the grossness and spread of disease by spitting....also mention that their is an existing bylaw "expectorating in public" that can cost them.

6) Make shopowners responsible for keeping their storefronts neat, tidy and clean or face a bylaw ticket. They can be responsible keeping the sidewalk in front of their establishments clean just like homeowners are forced to keep their sidewalks clean of snow and ice.

I could go on...but that's a start.....

VOTE FOR ME FOR MAYOR next time around....believe me there's much I'd like to see done and can doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out small things that make a big difference.

Just kidding about the mayoral thing..........(or am I?????)
