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Decima: poll suggests Conservative breakthrough

They have a good chance, but I don't like it. I'm not convinced that the Canadian public is going to fall in love with Harper's style of management. On the other hand, I can believe it that the Liberals won't have a credible alternative.
Minority governments can't do anything truly radical. The Conservatives are rather quiet and thus look as if nothing controversial is going on in government. They are attempting to control their messaging as much as possible. They brought down a budget that gives tax cuts to the middle class, and reduced those given to lower income earners as under the Liberal budget. They are attempting to look as middle of the road as possible, which is appealing to many Canadians. Add to that, he Conservatives are not dogged by an opposition or a hostile media screaming about scandal, baggage, arrogance on so on (yet).

The Liberals are attempting to choose a new leader, and trying to rejuvinate party policies, and trying to put distance between themselves and all the negative coverage - all at the same time - and all during the tenure of a minority government. The Liberals could easily be caught with their pants down if and when the Conservatives choose to get their government to fall for an election when they see the possibility of gaining a majority in the house.

I think the Conservatives have a good chance at forming a majority.
What exactly is middle class in Canada? I suspect this is the majority of Canadians.

The cancelling of tax cuts for the poor doesn't seem to mention that in Canada, those with income below the poverty line pay little or no income tax.

You believe that? Poverty line for a single individual with no kids is something like $15 000. How much income tax do you pay by that point? Not inconsiderable, considering every dollars goes toward your basic needs.

Single parent with several kids means a poverty line closer to $30 000. Do you know how much tax you pay by then?
Single parent with several kids means a poverty line closer to $30 000. Do you know how much tax you pay by then?
No, but I'm interested. Please tell us.
A non-zero amount, very likely. It depends on your deductions.

Such a parent is probably paying soemwhere in the neighbourhood of $3000 - $5000 in income tax, pushing them further below the poverty line.
CanWest News Service; Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

OTTAWA - Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is so popular with Canadians that it would be swept back into power with a majority if an election was held now, a new poll has found.

The Ipsos Reid survey, conducted for CanWest newspapers and Global National, was done over three days last week just as Harper's Tories were touting their accomplishments after 100 days in office as a minority government.

The poll found the Conservatives are enjoying their highest level of public support in nearly 20 years since Brian Mulroney's government was returned to office with a second majority victory in the November 1988 election.

''Basically what's happening is that Stephen Harper is recreating the Brian Mulroney majority,'' Ipsos Reid president Darrell Bricker said in an interview.

''And the way he is doing that is by breaking through in the province of Quebec. It's very much that kind of coalition Quebec and the West.''

Currently, 43 per cent of Canadian voters support Harper's Conservatives, up by five percentage points since a mid-March Ipsos Reid poll.

This gives the Tories a stunning 18-point lead over their chief rival, the Liberal party, which has fallen by three percentage points and now has the support of 25 per cent of voters.

The NDP, which has slipped by four percentage points, now has the support of 15 per cent of the electorate. National support for the Bloc Quebecois remains unchanged at nine per cent. Similarly, the Green party's support, at five per cent, has not wavered.

The Ipsos Reid telephone poll of 1,003 adult Canadians was conducted May 16-18. With a sample of this size, the margin of error is 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

''People are still giving Harper a pretty good honeymoon,'' said Bricker. ''And it just seems to be getting stronger as we move along.''

Bricker said that despite potential divisiveness over some controversial Tory policies ranging from scrapping the gun registry to Canada's future military role in Afghanistan Canadians are becoming more comfortable with Harper.

''People are taking a look and they kind of like what they see. They do see him as a breath of fresh air and a significant change from the previous administration. And that's what they were voting for in the last election.''

In its first 100 days, Harper's government has surprised many with its unconventional, but disciplined approach to power. The prime minister has taken remarkable chances: Inviting a Liberal turncoat, David Emerson, into his cabinet; appointing a senior Tory backroom organizer, Michael Fortier, to the Senate; embracing and even extending the military mission in Afghanistan; scrapping his promised public appointments commission when minority MPs refused to ratify his hand-picked chairman; and launching a cold war with the parliamentary press gallery over his steadfast insistence that his own staff gets to decide from a list of reporters' names who can ask questions at news conferences.

At the same time, Harper has been single-minded in his determination to focus on his government's initial five priorities: Cut taxes; get tough on crime; reduce health-care waiting times; improve political accountability; and provide more child care ''flexibility'' for working parents.

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty's budget, with its focus on cutting the GST to six per cent and providing a range of tax credits, was a political success. It's widely expected the next election will occur in the spring of 2007, after the next budget although many suspect the Tories would sorely be tempted to find a way to engineer their own parliamentary defeat before then because of their current popularity.

In the Jan. 23 election, the Conservatives won a minority government with 36 per cent of the vote. Many political experts agree that once a party increases that support to the 40 per cent range it is almost sure to get a majority. Bricker said that with its 43 per cent standing, the Tories would ``absolutely'' win the majority that eluded Harper earlier this year. Notably, the shifting tide in public support is occurring in three key regional battlegrounds:

- Quebec

Voters in this province, traditionally a Liberal stronghold, are turning in droves to Harper's Conservatives as the strongest federalist force. The Liberals now have the support of just 14 per cent of voters and their vote is bleeding away to Harper. The Tories now command the support of 33 per cent of Quebec voters trailing the Bloc Quebecois (at 38 per cent, unchanged) by a narrow five-point margin.

- Ontario

The Liberals are also losing ground in this vote-rich province, where the Conservatives (at 42 per cent) now lead the Liberals (at 38 per cent) while NDP support has dropped to 11 per cent.

- British Columbia

The Tories have opened up a wide gap, where they have the support of 48 per cent of B.C. voters, compared to 26 per cent for the NDP and 20 per cent for the Liberals.

Bricker said people shouldn't assume the Tories are so popular just because the Liberals are without a leader until they choose one in December.

``The reality on this is that normally in these kinds of circumstances, when the opposition isn't well defined, it's like Stephen Harper up against Mother Teresa,'' said Bricker.

``People compare him to the ideal instead of somebody who could be the alternate choice. But this time around it looks like Harper, particularly in Quebec, is representing the alternative.''
I did not vote Conservative, for personal reasons. That said, I do find it refreshing that we have a government that actually seems willing to take a discernable stand on issues, to tackle tough problems that have languished on liberal backburners for years, and to actually accomplish something with their mandate other than 'vote buying' to secure the next mandate! The corrupt, bloated liberals got precisely what they deserve: Shame on them for abusing the finances and the trust of the people of Canada! That people would actually justify voting for them is unfathomable to me, and this is not simply an issue of policy, this is an issue of setting the boundaries of what is acceptable and what is simply unacceptable at all cost. Time for the liberals to lop off the head of the rotting fish, and I truly hope they will take this occasion to clean house, regroup, reorganize and relearn the meaning of what it is to be in public *service*.
That people would actually justify voting for them is unfathomable to me, and this is not simply an issue of policy, this is an issue of setting the boundaries of what is acceptable and what is simply unacceptable at all cost.

I voted for them. I didn't vote for a sponsorship scandal, by the way, I voted for my local MP. I also liked elements of the Liberal platform, elements that they had acted on with respect to cities, for example. Was it all perfect? Not by any stretch. Nor will things be perfect for the Conservatives.

You spend more than half your post promoting the Conservatives by lambasting the Liberals. Exactly what stands of the Conservatives do you find so appealing so far?
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government is so popular with Canadians that it would be swept back into power with a majority if an election was held now, a new poll has found.

Its a shame, Canada had potential. Makes my decision to move a lot less heartbreaking.
^Where are you moving to?

I am not thrilled myself at what the Conservatives stand for. It might be a bad example, but I look at what is going on in the US and even in UK and I have to wonder where all this new conservativism is going.
^ Youre moving right out of Canada? I hope you have a better reason than the present government.

I don't think they have done so badly, so far. That said, polls at this point mean little, especially with the Liberals not having a leader. A lot can happen over the next few months, and who knows in what direction things will go?
"to actually accomplish something with their mandate other than 'vote buying' to secure the next mandate!"

Hmmm. Not sure what government you've been watching. Harper's agenda right now: get a majority, then bend Canada (the institution) over and show it who's boss. It's plain as day, isn't it? (see appointments commission affair)

Then he decides to renege on Kyoto and dismantle the gun registry which is neither particularly popular with the people. He has no mandate to do so, despite the fact his party has formed government. He has no majority. Only a third of voters approved his agenda, most others disagree. So, one third shall tell the other two where Canada is going? Gee...
I don't think they have done so badly, so far.

They've been in power for, like, five minutes. For better or worse, they've pretty much backed out of a significant international environmental accord, smashed up national programs concerning the environment and gutted gun controls for the sake of securing votes.

What many people don't hear about is the increased pressure coming to bear on the public service to not only manage, but actively promote the governments agenda and its politics. Their attitude towards public information is the less, the better. They have, as a government, a strong desire for control and secrecy. So much for openess and accountability. And all of that from being in power for five minutes.

Oh, and after being honeymooned by the Ottawa Press Corps that sang their praises when the Liberals were in power, the Conservatives have managed to piss them off to no end. Hell hath no fury worse than a prima donna Ottawa corespondent who feels dissed.
Youre moving right out of Canada? I hope you have a better reason than the present government.

Ill be working in Moscow for two years and then after that I plan to continue my studies in the Netherlands where I will probably remain given I can aquire a Dutch citizenship.

Does it have to do solely with the present government? No. But I am getting really discouraged by the direction this government and the country is headed. For the past 6 years I have watched the United States adopt neo-conservative ideals that at times, are somewhat frightening. And for 6 years I have watched Canadians mock them, laugh at them, proclaim how much better we are. Then what happens? We do the exact same thing. We shit on the environment. We are abandoning our role as UN peace keepers. We have enacted tax cuts which benefit the rich but do little for the poor. We invest in highways and not transit. There is little to no money being invested into research and development of Canadian companies. We are failing to do nothing about the problems that face Aboriginals. And federalism? Excuse the rant, but, what the **** kind of federalism involves bribing Quebec, reducing the amount Alberta pays into equalisation by taking natural resources out of the equation, ignoring Toronto and Ontario, and throwing scraps at the rest of the country?

Maybe I am being prematurely negative about the direction Canada is taking but I really dont have a lot of confidence. In a years time we could have a Conservative majority in Canada and see the US re-elect the Republicans in the 2006 midterms. That thought is something that makes me feel very uneasy.
