Active Member
The RL South report just came out and it does shed some light on this. In the report for "Alternative Transit Technology" they outline that Full Automatic ICTS trains can move upwards of 22,032 pphpd at 1.75 minute intervals. If I am not mistaken that actually outclasses the LRT in passenger and wait time numbers, and even outclasses the current Subway in regards to wait time. With the money we are going to spend on the SSE its amazing to think we could not only convert the SRT to newer tech but also extend it to Malvern in half the time, for half the cost and with a great product. The transfer at Kennedy really becomes a non issue considering the new platform would need to be built anyways since Mk.III trains wouldn't be able to use the current Kennedy. However at this point this is probably out of the question because of things like RER and the City being to far into the current plan to back out.If we were keeping the old out of place corridor and keeping the transfer: Then an SRT upgrade was the cost effective solution over LRT
You can find it here on page 8: http://www.metrolinx.com/en/docs/pdf/relief-line-epr/appendix/Appendix 2-2_Alternative Transit Technology.pdf
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