I have admitted that. Its going to take decades to even start to rejuvenate these bad areas even slightly and similar to change the overall bad perception. But Ill be the first to say Scarborough is one of the most beautiful places in the GTA and people that live here outside the few bad pockets will strongly agree. Its a terribly ridiculous and unfair perception. Ive seriously lived all over the GTA (not Milton
but have friends there, not Oakville but Burlington) if not worked. These few small pockets of are the exception and the more the Borough gets connected to the City the more it will be promoted as part of the City. I moved from DT to here for family reasons years ago and I was seriously F'n scared lol, with only having the stigma imprinted in my head until I realized quickly how ridiculous the narrative was and how large and diverse the suburb was.
A well connected Scarborough will be a very desirable place to live in the future in many parts it already is. But yes it will take a long time like all plans do and for those few bad pockets its about stopping the bleed more than anything right now. Many other areas of the Borough will see immediate life just like Golden Mile is proposed to off the LRT extension. There are lots of old plazas and developable real estate that will be completely nuked for large developments changing the streetscape once there is transit on the way. Given the location to the City there is more potential here when transit comes than people give credit.