The city should not need to "sell" it to them.
It's a democracy. They have a right to their opinions and the "selling" really was meant to be "consultation". So talking about "consultations", yes the city has been very poor at it in regard of Scarborough. I've been to multiple of those Transit City consultation and the sheer tone and barely concealed condescending attitude they had towards those citizen was a indeed a surprise. None of their worries, opinion and critics mattered.
I must say that Metrolinx is doing a far better job at it that when those consultations were under Miller and Giambrone. Be frustrated all you want, they have legitimate reasons for their skepticism and it is the city's
duty to address them and to listen to it's citizen. Did I say give them what they want? NO
I said the tone must change and stop using failed politicans words as a mirror of what most of Scarborough are saying.
They want a fast, efficient and reliable line. Last time the city and the province tried to give them one it was the ill-conceived SRT which the city shamelessly abandon to ruin. The ICTS is a proven technology that works all around the world and right here in Canada, yet the TTC and the province failed Scarborough.
So yes, the city must do a better job at reassuring them and yes, their concerns are warranted.
A transit plan is supposed to make transportation work more efficiently, not to make the people feel "respected". It is they who keep playing the victim of "Scarborough doesn't have subways" - I don't even know where that comes from considering it is has far more stations than Etobicoke.
Point your fingers at those clowns at city hall and leave the citizens out of it.
Also, Etobicoke didn't inherited a flawed SRT that the city abandoned to decay, Scarborough did.
- The City didn't maintain the SRT leading to its decay, unreliability and overcapacity
- Ill-conceived Kennedy transfer
- Miller council turning down the TTC plan to rebuild the RT with MkII trains just so he could get his pet project Transit City at over triple the cost for political reason
- The flip-flopping killing the MOU linking it to Eglinton
- 3 stop? 1 Stop? Smarttrack? LRT?
You're damn right this city has been disrespectful to Scarborough because they used their citizens as a political opportunity instead of just appropriately planning the best system that is adequate for Scarborough. Yet here you are pointing figure at citizens while refusing to address how this city politicians are responsible for this.
Why would the LRT plan need to be sold? It has a lot more stops, serving far more people, and cost a lot less. A 12 year old would know it is better than their dreamed subway.
As pointed above, last time a new technology was forced on Scarborough, it was a disaster. They haven't forgot that. It's not that they don't buy the benefits of the LRT, they have no faith in the TTC and our politicians to not repeat what happened with the SRT. So yeah, this is a case where taking their time to not only explain why LRT is better is warranted, but they have a duty and they owe it to Scarborough to take the freakin time to give assurance that they aren't going to neglect it like last time.
I haven't seen opposition to Crosstown East. Don't forget the MOU for Eglinton-SLRT was widely accepted.
In all honesty practically speaking, I don't even think Scarborough "deserves" a LRT considering the layout of the area and the density.
You're entitled to your opinion but most city planners and transit planners disagree with you. I'll take their word over your obviously angry and condescending opinion.
If you see what happens when the SRT shuts down, obviously not. In fact the TTC themselves call a SRT shutdown forcing the TTC to provide shuttle service as a nightmare.
In today's world, you can't have two story singe family houses with garages AND subway within walking distance. It simply makes no sense. Transit funding should be given to areas where density warrants. Some areas of the city will of course be under-served by rapid transit and rightly so.
An yet I never see you in the Richmond Hill subway thread... go figure