Northern Light
And, further, simply not having anyone at all in the hospital that doesn't need to be in it. They don't want to become part of some shortcut route where it's faster to get from A to B (or more comfortable and air conditioned) so everyone is marching through it.
The important thing, given the siting of the station, is that there be an entrance/exit on the North-West corner (where the hospital is situated.
It can be designed, to have direct access to the outside w/o passing through the hospital.
That said, for hospital employees if nothing else, it would make sense to provision for direct access from such an exit, to a future building.
That could be at grade; or a mezzanine level potentially, but the exit ought to be designed to allow for it (knock-out panel)
The connection to the hospital could go to a public-facing, non-secure mall area.
If you've been in Western or Mt Sinai, among others this is now a common design feature for visitors and staff and a source of revenue for the hospital (food court, bookstore, drugstore, florist etc.)
If, for w/e reason, the latter were impractical, it could always be made a secure connection that requires a hospital ID card.