News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Brutal drivers in the GTA.

I have no problem with someone going 100 kph on the 401, if they are in the right lane. But half the time they're crusing in the centre lane (which is very annoying and start to become an obstacle) or the left lane, where it is purely dangerous.

Then throw in some idiots that treat the 401 like a slalom course and that's your typical southern Ontario traffic.
The worst city I've seen for driving in N America, however, is Boston.

I found Boston drivers (at least in the City Centre) to be quite respectful of pedestrians.
I think you're right...seems like most of the offenders were angry white guys that would vote for the law and order crowd!

Damn those white guys.
For a week or so there was a BMW at the Front/Church lot but it's gone!

What kind of impression does one give driving a BMW with a large ZipCar logo on it.
Especially if they are doing 100K in the left lane.
How long does that drive take you, on average?
It's not that bad actually. I leave my house at 7:00am and reach the office by 8:15am. The drive home can take perhaps 30 minutes longer, but usually I leave the office at 4:00pm sharp, and arrive home well before 5:30pm. Perhaps one day we'll consider moving to the country, but it would have to be the perfect house in the perfect town - I'll never live in the suburbs again.

I had planned to buy some books on CDs to listen to, but was shocked at the prices. Plus, most of the CD/books are abridged. So, I've reactivated my library card, and now borrow CDs. For example, I'm now listening to a borrowed 9-disc set of James Herriot's unabridged "All Creatures Great And Small", which would have cost me over $100.

I used to listen to the radio, but found the CBC morning show annoying with Andy Barrie's (a fellow Cabbagetowner) damn cough and overall annoying manner (the woman standing in right now is great), plus I don't like that they play music every twenty minutes (note to CBC, if I want music I'll listen to a music station). So, then I switch to CFRB, but can't stand the same commercials every morning - always the same cheap clothing stores pushing the artificial familiarity with the host. Plus, whenever I listen to 'RB I find that I become annoyed and a poor driver.

So, now I get my cup of tea in my thermos mug, and listen to some of our best literature.

Once the winter hits, I'll be working more from home. Can't do that until we get our Cabbagetown house renovated, as my home office is a disaster area.
People who don't signal need to be shot. You could be in the left lane changing into the centre lane after passing, check your blindspot, start moving over only to find some inbred moron in the right lane decided to merge into the same lane you were changing into... had they have used their signal you would have caught this and it would have been avoided.

I really hate people who don't signal with a passion, I don't know how anyone can be so godamn inconsiderate.
I'm pretty sure I got flipped off by a tailgater today. Apparently he expected me to somehow go faster than the flow of traffic ahead of me, even though we were in the left lane and traffic was not moving fast anywhere.
I'm pretty sure I got flipped off by a tailgater today.

That's just adding insult - if you ever get in the way of one of these asshats, or honk when someone gets way too close for comfort that you have to brake, they flip you like things are a big joke to them.

Get outside the GTA and off the 400-series highways, and you get much less of this problem - incredibly, drivers on the 400 "extention" start following the "keep right except to pass" guideline. But anywhere on the 401? Forget it.

The 417 wasn't bad, nor were the Quebec Autoroutes in the Montreal area. There's a bit of this around every US city, but I felt that Toronto was always the worst.
one hour from toronto to "downtown" kitchener. The slowest part--and worst traffic jams--occurs on the 4 lane highway into downtown kitchener. Like i've said in another thread, k-w is car central and poorly planned--so traffic is actually worse there (contrary to the locals' view that it's tame compared to toronto's.) On a traffic free day (or early morning) 45 minutes@130kmh is possible.
one hour from toronto to "downtown" kitchener. The slowest part--and worst traffic jams--occurs on the 4 lane highway into downtown kitchener. Like i've said in another thread, k-w is car central and poorly planned--so traffic is actually worse there (contrary to the locals' view that it's tame compared to toronto's.) On a traffic free day (or early morning) 45 minutes@130kmh is possible.
My office is in New Hamburg, but I drive highway 8 until I get to the westbound 7 exit. Only a few times have I met any busy traffic on that portion of 8. Usually, like this morning, I'm joined by about two dozen other cars from the 427 to past Guelph.
