Toronto Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport | ?m | ?s | Ports Toronto | Arup

How do we all get jobs at Bombardier like you?

I was about to pipe in with a defence of Peepers, but then this...

Major computer glitch is effecting Porter Airlines operations this evening with many cancellations.

If you are scheduled on a flight in or out of Billy Bishop check with the airline before heading to the airport.
Major computer glitch is effecting Porter Airlines operations this evening with many cancellations.

If you are scheduled on a flight in or out of Billy Bishop check with the airline before heading to the airport.
Was it the Telus network being down again? Porter really needs to get a backup network if this is the case.
Just a reminder that tonight there is a "town hall" meeting on Porter's expansion plans at the Direct Energy Centre - a location cleverly chosen by left-wing city bureaucrats and politicians to ensure that the audience will be filled with No-Jet protesters as it is just a 5 minute walk from the epicentre of opposition - Bathurst Quay (Pro-Jet proponents will find getting down to the CNE difficult by TTC).

You can also watch a live WEBCAST begining at 7:00 PM on

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From the first G&M link

Shortly after, a city staffer sparked a wave of disbelief when he said they had been told to examine only the economic benefits of bringing in jets, not the economic harm

When I heard this comment from the city staffer I couldn't believe that staff had been told to examine benefits only and sure enough today in the executive committee another senior manager confirmed that indeed the staffer had "misspoke".

What this demostrates is how city staffers are using their job positions to advance their own personal agenda. This should not be happening. They are paid to be completely neutral and to present an unbiased report to council.

In my opinion the city staffer involved should be fired because he lacks the needed integrity to provide unbiased reports.

For those who are interested you can watch a recording of the town hall meeting at the link below. Although I think more people stood up to speak against Jets (perhaps the result of biased city staffers bypassing pro-jet speakers?) you can tell from audience reaction that a slight majority in attendance were in favor of jets.

At about 31 minutes into the video you can see the city staffer jump to the mic to deliver misleading information (no doubt relishing the opportunity to pour gasoline on the fiery debate).
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Anybody else get this from good old Bob Deluce? (It turns out you can also fill out the survey to say you OPPOSE jets, as I did.)

To Porter Friends:

This is your last chance to fill out the City of Toronto’s online survey as part of the review of Porter’s proposal to connect more destinations across North America to Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport. The survey must be completed by Friday, October 11.

You can say why you support the introduction of Bombardier CS100 aircraft at the airport and highlight all of the great benefits this will provide. The ability to travel for business and pleasure, see family and friends more often, and do this more affordably than is possible today are just some of the reasons. Please also share this with others who may be interested in showing support.

We can do this responsibly using the world’s quietest commercial jet, maintaining a vibrant waterfront with existing marine access in Toronto Harbour, and helping the economy grow.

The survey is one important way for the city to understand the level of support that exists for new routes, lower fares and more business for Toronto.

Best regards,

Robert Deluce
President and CEO
Porter Airlines Inc.
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The federal government is about to order an extension of runways Canada-wide that will affect Billy Bishop. About 100m needs to be added to the runway, extending it well into the lake. It's not related to the Porter request which is asking for 336m to 400m be added to accommodate jets. One Councillor reached for comment tonight told me that if this mandate comes from the Feds, City Council would still need to vote because the extension would have an environmental effect on Toronto Harbour. He would vote to close the airport.
We're in for another big fight I think. Ford with his pro-business motto will support the extension and won't care about "the downtown people" disturbed by the noise (even though they're the ones who use the airport) or pinko environmentalists concerned about the effect on the lake and its wildlife. The logical side of City Council will make the rational point that we're about to get a train to Pearson so we don't need a downtown airport and this is an opportunity to turn Centre Island into Toronto's own Central Park, accessible from the edge of the revitalized Queens Quay waterfront. Porter will sue everybody who gets in their way because they just made a bad bet by building a tunnel that may never get finished now.
Why would they finish the tunnel if the airport gets closed? (although I don't believe that will happen)
While I don't think it's anywhere near the time to bid the airport goodbye just yet, if the Feds mandate the 100m runway addition in order to continue operating and if the City doesn't grant the extension, then that's the end of the airport.

I like the convenience of Porter and I like the brand but I don't hide that I'd love to see Centre Island become an extension of the Waterfront Revitalization. Imagine a West8/DTAH designed wooden WaveBridge, perhaps a draw bridge or a dramatic vertical swoop to allow sailboats below. Now imagine an urban park bigger than New York's Central Park accessible by foot. You need the spot where the airport now sits for that vision to happen. So I am somewhat secretly hoping for Porter to move.

Porter could continue their downtown airport brand by partnering with Union Pearson Express. Check in at Union Station, right at the very centre of the financial district -- no more shuttle bus -- and get whisked to YYZ into a Porter lounge where you'll clear security, your check in baggage already having been taken off your hands at Union station and loaded on to your flight. That's convenience and that's really downtown and Porter can start offering business travelers flights to London, Hong Kong, and Dubai.
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