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News   Sep 09, 2024
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Beauce Boyz: The Continuing Adventures of Mad Max

LOL. Where can I sign up for this FUTURE WORLD GOVERNMENT? Will there be free WiFi?

"Trudeau has said we are a post-national country, and spends $M to get a UN Security Council seat and $B in aid in other countries. IS HE LOYAL TO CANADA OR LOYAL TO A FUTURE WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT WILL DESTROY CANADA?" Maxime Bernier, January 8, 2019
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He has gone nucking futs since he quit the CPC and I think he could pull away enough people to make a dent in their fortunes.
He has gone nucking futs since he quit the CPC and I think he could pull away enough people to make a dent in their fortunes.

All the Leaders are flopping right now, in case you haven't noticed. But thankfully, The Anointed One y'all worship is getting a minority at best. Scheer will make enough gains in Ontario and New Brunswick to save this thing from becoming a coronation.

Bad News Bernier is just like the petty, vindictive troll Liberal operative Patrick Brown. A spoiler in a few key ridings but far from a kingmaker.
Bad News Bernier is just like the petty, vindictive troll Liberal operative Patrick Brown. A spoiler in a few key ridings but far from a kingmaker.
This comparison literally makes no sense but whatever. It seems like the establishment conservatives are at least somewhat scared of Bernier. I noticed how they started talking seriously about things like immigration only after Bernier started his party. I am sure it was 100% coincidental.
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Here is another very fine person representing the PPC.

Emmett Macfarlane Retweeted

B'nai Brith Canada @bnaibrithcanada

#BREAKING: Our investigation has revealed that Martin Masse, a senior advisor to PPC leader @MaximeBernier, defended Nazi sympathizers, made misogynistic statements about “femi-fascists” and said #Zionism is a “fancy justification for killing Palestinians

More great people in the PPC.
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Honestly I think Bernier was wrong to tweet that. I understand the point he was trying to make but it is too easy an attack. By the way the message is an attack on the hypocrisy on the concept of "cultural appropriation". It is not an anti-LGBT message. And most people on twitter are interpreting it s pro blackface which is an even more idiotic take.

Faith Goldy will be a PPC candidate.
Are we allowed to make bets on this forum? I am very confident she won't. She is damaged goods.
Damaged goods to most, but Max is accepting a lot of fringe figures right now. Look at his candidate for the Burnaby by-election.
Faith Goldy will be a PPC candidate.
After looking at the results of the by elections today where the PPC didn't break 2% in two ridings maybe they need Faith Goldy. She was able to get 3.4% of the vote in Toronto somehow whihc would SHOULD translate to a higher percentage in more rural areas.

And yes my post is not completely serious but I think that these by-election reults were soem,what uninspiring for the Peoples Party. They need some controversial keep attention on them.
