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Baby, we got a bubble!?

Last month Mr Klump of CREA believed he butchered Ross Kay of (pay attention to the comments section as well)

This month CREA's image is hurt again by the same Ross Kay
Short story: 22,295 Sales Disappear in Latest CREA numbers Yr to Date Totals to now Align with's August Audit for Yr to Date that showed 22,622 less!
Some comments also here:

Under these circumstances what a heck can you say about the above TREB report?
Where are the wise RE agents of this site .... especially that wise and paranoid user itsoldyouaremoving who pretended that only the RE agents can talk about RE and the CREA/TREB reports should be trusted??
ItsSoldYoureMoving is right here. Every time you call me out you’re made to look foolish.

And your stats are wrong again, they’re always wrong and will continue to be wrong. I’ve told you numerous times that you’re scraping data from third party sites which they manually pull from TREB on a daily basis and unless that information is pulled every 24 hours exactly at the same time it is incorrect.

This is my MLS access screen and that little box you see there that says 582 represents the count for Toronto condo apartment sales posted as firm to TREB’s system from Oct 1 through Oct. 14. And just so you know, mr. conspiracy theorist, all of those sales have been posted to TREB by brokerages advertising listings on the MLS System, they are not being lifted from FSBO sites.

Unlike some of the Realtors and brokerages who ignore TREB’s TOS and the Real Estate Business and Brokers Act, I don’t, and I will not break those rules and scrape data for you or anyone else just because you think that you, with no access to TREB’s MLS system, somehow have better raw data. Any other Realtor in here can do the exact same query as I have and will get the exact same result unless any of those firm sales have now fallen through. Behind the submit and OK buttons lies every single one of those sales which we can view and verify.

But you’ll never believe because your conspiracy theory is much more interesting.



Under these circumstances what a heck can you say about the above TREB report?
Where are the wise RE agents of this site .... especially that wise and paranoid user itsoldyouaremoving who pretended that only the RE agents can talk about RE and the CREA/TREB reports should be trusted??

As far as I am concerned this report is BULLSHIT in regards to Condo sales numbers.
The price jump is real as I pointed out in my recent charts
All sales included:
Under 1 mil only:

There is a HUGE difference between what TREB reported above and what was published as sold this month by

I suspect that they are now adding what is being sold via private transactions using sites like Property Guys or FSBO.
That would be the only reasonable explanation for what is happening.
ItsSoldYoureMoving is right here. Every time you call me out you’re made to look foolish.

As any RE you are very entertaining in your pretended professionalism.

First of all that screenshot is BULLSHIT. RE BULLSHIT.
And it will be so till:
-someone provides a list with what is included in those 582 transactions that YOU PRETEND ARE ALL MLS transactions
-the way you placed that message obstructs the search criteria so that is again BULLSHIT. Try again.

And your stats are wrong again, they’re always wrong and will continue to be wrong.
Worry about your colleagues' stats, mine are finely predicting the trends and that is all I need.
The exact bullshit you and your colleagues publish was addressed by more informed persons so ... focus on what is the important issue here: Ross Kay proved that you guys are fudging the numbers
and doube or triple listing properties as you wish.
And you have the guts to call me wrong! HA HA HA!. You embarrass yourself by opening that issue for discussion.

I’ve told you numerous times that you’re scraping data from third party sites which they manually pull from TREB on a daily basis and unless that information is pulled every 24 hours exactly at the same time it is incorrect.

As long as what I do matches the trends reflected in the market I have no problems with the way I collect data. FYI the sales numbers for SFH are quite close to what MLS posts so take a break.
I have no idea (and I bet that you don't have an idea either) what and how exactly the time when the data is collected changes the things
If you are referring to the DOM metric which is the only one that could be influenced by what you say above then I don't think that anybody cares if a $1M property stayed on the market 120 or 121 days before ItSoldYouaRemoving 25% from initial asking price :))

This is my MLS access screen and that little box you see there that says 582 represents the count for Toronto condo apartment sales posted as firm to TREB’s system from Oct 1 through Oct. 14. And just so you know, mr. conspiracy theorist, all of those sales have been posted to TREB by brokerages advertising listings on the MLS System, they are not being lifted from FSBO sites.

May I remind you that Mr Klump said that THERE WERE NO ERRORS IN HIS STATS LAST MONTH and after that he or his people SILENTLY CORRECTED THAT (see

Unlike some of the Realtors and brokerages who ignore TREB’s TOS and the Real Estate Business and Brokers Act,
and to your despair!
This is interesting.
You guys are caught with your pants of not once but twice.
If these were stocks you would be in jail for fraudulent stats, yet you pretend that others should be honest and not break agreements while you mislead an entire country (regular people, economists and investors) with your stats.

I wonder what is going to happen if some investors will start a law suit and ask you to produce the data that you posted.
but of course we shall trust you .... and you took all the necessary precautions by saying this:

"Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information shown. Copyright TREB 2013"
So WTF (excuse my language) do you expect us to believe when month after month we find gross errors in your reports ???

I don’t, and I will not break those rules and scrape data for you or anyone else just because you think that you, with no access to TREB’s MLS system, somehow have better raw data.
As a potiential buyer you can ask for that type of data.
One should be able to challenge what his RE agent is pretending (and that is that the market is OK) before buying
And you are not breaking any rules if yo give us an MLS number and a price
A potential client should be able to receive a list of addresses as well, I don't see why not.
The restrictions underlined in your pictures refer to the DATABASE.
I know that you are IT illiterate but I shall explain you that stats or excerpts of that database (or a limited set of records) especially when it comes to sold properties and not to "For sale properties' SHALL BE FINE!

Any other Realtor in here can do the exact same query as I have and will get the exact same result unless any of those firm sales have now fallen through. Behind the submit and OK buttons lies every single one of those sales which we can view and verify.

But you’ll never believe because your conspiracy theory is much more interesting.

What a coincidence!
Exactly under those buttons.
So convenient..

Didn't you forget to say "Trust in meee???
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And here, dear ItSoldYouaRemoving, are some things that you have to explain, since you seem to be inclined to transparency:
I know I know, you hate Garth and Canadian Watchdog more than anything else but but ...look what he is saying

If you have CREA data, you'll notice Klump quotes SA and NSA on different months. There's no consistency in their reports and it's confusing people, including realtors. The main issue is, as I noted here before i) presales/assignments being counted as resales and ii) member boards' revisions.

My estimates shows that somewhere around 3-6% of sales are presales or assignments. These are non-existing units that shouldn't be counted in existing sales (like TD falsely writes in their reports). Klump needs to be pressed on this issue, although he'll probably run away if asked as the whole thing would get exposed quickly.

Then you have another 3% upward bias from revisions: Example shown here with TREB stats. (From the top down is what was originally reported to the latest revisions. Once can see that 145 sales have already been removed from August, heading even lower so that next August will look greater then this year)
Full picture here:

Now add what Ross Kay is claiming about double sales (I can't confirm this) and you have another upward bias of x%.

Add all these errors and you probably have an upward bias of 10-12%. Does this matter? Yes. Because when year-on-year data is at the margin, the difference is maintaining a positive bias. This makes great MSM headlines that get translated into multiple languages on to blogs and reports. CREA isn't stupid. They know numbers matter and have an influence on buyer's expectations.

All in all, you can blog, tweet and complain all you want. This will never change until the GG Commander-in-Chief (the only guy who had the authority to remove Melanie Aitken as commissioner of the Competition Bureau, who unexpectedly quit during TREB's tribunal) feels the government must do more to protect property rights and be more transparent.

Without that, Stalinism it is.
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That rant of yours can only make only sense to you, pf4redflag/recharts.

Seriously now, I would manipulate that screen shot when numerous Realtors on UT have the ability to do the same search and call me out if I’m lying? Or is it your contention that they too would lie to you?

Furthermore, I was not able to move the results box that would allow a screen capture of the search criteria – condo apt; sld; 10/01/2013 to 10/14/2103, (I know you don't understand that, Realtors will), nor is it possible for anyone to tell the system how many results we want. It’s not my software bub, to do with it as I choose.

Additionally, you once more demonstrate an inability to understand what you read. The TOS is quite clear as to how we may use it, for what purpose and specifically says “except to persons or persons or entities who desire or may desire to acquire or dispose of certain of their rights respecting real estate.â€

It does not say that we can farm it out to nosey nellies creating heat maps and scraping data to create their own misguided database, nor to anyone with whom we have no business relationship and even if this was the case there is no valid reason why anyone would need to see the entire list of sales for a month in every corner of the GTA and for every price range. I'd refer you to PIPEDA again, but you've previously demonstrated that you don't understand that either.

And how many times more than the 5 or 6 times I’ve already painstakingly done so on RFD and this one, should I explain to you that the difference between the FIRM sales count reported at month end and that same count later adjusted is for those within that count that fell through? Everyone else here will get it the first time, of that I'm sure.

But tell you what, Ross Kay is an ex-Realtor and since you seem to trust him, why don’t you contact him, I’m sure you’ll be able to from his web site, and ask him if I’m lying to you about any of that.

I expect you to turn on him once he tells you what you don’t want to hear.

Please do tell him I say hello – don’t forget!

That's all I have to say.
That rant of yours can only make only sense to you, pf4redflag/recharts.

Seriously now, I would manipulate that screen shot when numerous Realtors on UT have the ability to do the same search and call me out if I’m lying? Or is it your contention that they too would lie to you?

Furthermore, I was not able to move the results box that would allow a screen capture of the search criteria – condo apt; sld; 10/01/2013 to 10/14/2103, (I know you don't understand that, Realtors will), nor is it possible for anyone to tell the system how many results we want. It’s not my software bub, to do with it as I choose.

Additionally, you once more demonstrate an inability to understand what you read. The TOS is quite clear as to how we may use it, for what purpose and specifically says “except to persons or persons or entities who desire or may desire to acquire or dispose of certain of their rights respecting real estate.”

It does not say that we can farm it out to nosey nellies creating heat maps and scraping data to create their own misguided database, nor to anyone with whom we have no business relationship and even if this was the case there is no valid reason why anyone would need to see the entire list of sales for a month in every corner of the GTA and for every price range. I'd refer you to PIPEDA again, but you've previously demonstrated that you don't understand that either.

And how many times more than the 5 or 6 times I’ve already painstakingly done so on RFD and this one, should I explain to you that the difference between the FIRM sales count reported at month end and that same count later adjusted is for those within that count that fell through? Everyone else here will get it the first time, of that I'm sure.

But tell you what, Ross Kay is an ex-Realtor and since you seem to trust him, why don’t you contact him, I’m sure you’ll be able to from his web site, and ask him if I’m lying to you about any of that.

I expect you to turn on him once he tells you what you don’t want to hear.

Please do tell him I say hello – don’t forget!

That's all I have to say.

I have already contacted Ross and asked what I needed to know. Later I pointed him to this discussion.
Our email conversation started before you surfaced here again to explain us your superiority.
It will be up to him to intervene and to tell you what he told me. I do not want to disclose here what was a private conversation.
He will probably read your "hello" with his own eyes.

none of the numerous realtors here ever spoke against CREA or TREB and it would be naive to ask a realtor to speak against another realtor or against their association.
Last time when that happened that poor kid in Vancouver lost his job.
here is he revealed and confirmed what Ross Kay demonstrated
and here he explains how he was fired
(see the next message-the forum does not allow two videos in the same post)
A month later we learn (again from Ross Kay, who can not be fired, HA HA HA)that he was correct .
So after all these who in his mind would speak against CREA after what happened to this guy ??
With all due respect, such a hypotesys like the one you used above shows us that have some problems in the attic.

Now getting back to you and your care for TRUTH. Your TRUTH.
Would you be so kind to point us to a single article where you ever spoke against TREB or CREA and their stats??
What can someone expect from you on this matter???
Your thinking is so perverted that you expect us all to believe that you are honest and will go against your colleagues to establish the truth.
As far as I remember in all your articles you are licking the hands of your masters as any faithful dog will do. This comparison is insulting for a dog.

As you explained me once you do not have time to enlighten us ahead of the official data released by your associations and you can not spend much time
for this because you are busy. As soon as you see something that goes against your interests the times becomes available and you launch yourself into
deep investigations and personal attacks digging the virtual or real past of whoever happens to speak against your opinions.
Even more, you do not share data with persons who are not in business with you.
And you will find any possible reason not to share data even if this should be just to confirm that you care for truth.

Look at what you did above, your are focused on discrediting me when in fact your reputation and your association's reputation is the topic , you are not addressing the issues discussed here.
A true ethical realtor.
I don't think that I am going to get into mud next to you so this discussion ends here
You came here with no arguments and it would be under my dignity to discuss anything else with you
...pig shit removed...

It does not say that we can farm it out to nosey nellies creating heat maps and scraping data to create their own misguided database,

...more manure removed from here...

I forgot to address one of your strongest points when your are attacking me: my "dubious" heat maps.

Not only that they reveal how you fudge the numbers BUT they were found interesting enough by CanadianBusiness and Yahoo Finance

Of course you are the only sane person here and those guys are a bunch of idiots
It will be up to him to intervene and to tell you what he told me. I do not want to disclose here what was a private conversation.
Well, maybe he will choose to do so and maybe he won’t, we’ll see – I can be easily reached. But it’s hypocritical that a private conversation would stop you from sharing same when you have zero respect for the private information disclosed between buyers and sellers.

none of the numerous realtors here ever spoke against CREA or TREB and it would be naive to ask a realtor to speak against another realtor or against their association
And there it is, the conspiracy – we’ll all cover for each other. It didn’t take you long to trot that one out.

I feel sorry for anyone who has ever been fired unduly, and if that “poor kid†lost his job because he spoke out then I do feel sorry for his plight, but sorry to say, I tuned out very early because not only was he discombobulated, it also made no sense to me that he would enquire of CREA what his board’s stats are when he has access to those stats in detail.

I guess you don’t realize that if I didn’t do this as you seem to be suggesting
Would you be so kind to point us to a single article where you ever spoke against TREB or CREA and their stats??
I couldn’t have established this
... you expect us all to believe that you are honest and will go against your colleagues to establish the truth.

What can someone expect from you on this matter???
Are you asking that question 3 times? One answer – when I I write, I write the truth. And that truth means that when I write about TREB’s stats, I'm reporting them accordingly. That it doesn’t conform to what you, as someone with no access believes, is your problem, not mine.

As you explained me once you do not have time to enlighten us ahead of the official data released by your associations and you can not spend much time for this because you are busy. As soon as you see something that goes against your interests the times becomes available and you launch yourself into deep investigations and personal attacks digging the virtual or real past of whoever happens to speak against your opinions.
Sorry my time isn’t spent as you would direct it. I guess that is why we’re individuals each with our own life to lead rather than a host colony operating on one brain.

Even more, you do not share data with persons who are not in business with you.
Hmm, I don’t know, my blog and my forum posts share much data. But you’re correct in that I won’t share the information of every one of the 582 condo apartment sales with you, or with anyone else for that matter – there is no sound reason that such is ever necessary. Now anyone I’m doing business with gets to see all the information necessary to assist them in their decision and knowing that Joe blow paid $120,000 for his condo in Rexdale and that John Rich paid $10,000,000 for his Bridle Path Home has no bearing on the house value s/he is looking for in the Annex.

Not that you'll understand that.

I trust we’re done?
Well, maybe he will choose to do so and maybe he won’t, we’ll see – I can be easily reached.
yeah but that ends up with a disgusting sensation like above.
He confirmed my suspicions without disclosing data since I am anonymous.
This is also publicly stated on his website, no secret here.

But it’s hypocritical that a private conversation would stop you from sharing same when you have zero respect for the private information disclosed between buyers and sellers.

Listen anal lady, get your head out of your bottom and think!
I use public data, data made public by MLS via different sites or directly.
As far as I am concerned I never posted anything else other than prices and geographical coordinates on a map
Understanding this is probably going to fry your tubes.

When one of your colleagues gets high and publishes information in online media about a hose that sold 50% over asking (when the asking was 50% under what the house is worth)
then I either reveal the fake OR I publish something similar at the opposite end, houses that sat on the market for 6 months reduced the price 10 times and sold 25% less than the first asking price.
Again this data was previously revealed by MLS.
I know that you feel like eating your own shoes when you speak about that particular data source...but you can not do anything against it.
Let's note here that you do not go after these RE agents who try to brainwash the public by posting such fakes in online newspapers.

...more BS removed from here....
I feel sorry for anyone who has ever been fired unduly, and if that “poor kid” lost his job because he spoke out then I do feel sorry for his plight, but sorry to say, I tuned out very early because not only was he discombobulated, it also made no sense to me that he would enquire of CREA what his board’s stats are when he has access to those stats in detail.
that is beyond the scope of the conversation. You are avoiding to discuss the main point here: FAKE NUMBERS and CREA fireing somebody for revealing this.

when I I write, I write the truth. And that truth means that when I write about TREB’s stats, I'm reporting them accordingly.
you are just licking the numbers that TREB produces, do not delude yourself

Sorry my time isn’t spent as you would direct it. I guess that is why we’re individuals each with our own life to lead rather than a host colony operating on one brain.
You are already there. You are part of the collective brain of TREB/CREA

Hmm, I don’t know, my blog and my forum posts share much data.
Bullshit ...

But you’re correct in that I won’t share the information of every one of the 582 condo apartment sales with you, or with anyone else for that matter – there is no sound reason that such is ever necessary.
You are a bitch here.
Canadian Watchdog quoted above provided enough reasons for that
You did not address ONE SINGLE point on his list of things that TREB is wrongly doing these days.
Ex: I know you have short memory, I remind you that he suggested that TREB and his members now count the reassignments as resales. This was not happening before.
Also this is probably the data that my sources are missing.

Now anyone I’m doing business with gets to see all the information necessary to assist them in their decision and knowing that Joe blow paid $120,000 for his condo in Rexdale and that John Rich paid $10,000,000 for his Bridle Path Home has no bearing on the house value s/he is looking for in the Annex.
Again you are a bitch here.
It is important for a seller to understand if he buys in a falling market or in a rising market
Challenging your fake stats has exactly that purpose; TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON

Not that you'll understand that.
I trust we’re done?
Sure. You spread a lot of crap around you increase the size of Internet with two pages of crap and you pretend you clarified the matter.
You just explained us why the stats were adjusted with 22k sales and why reassignments count as resales.
And you just explained us that we have to trust you more than we trust our parents. You say you guys sold 582 properties and we say "Amen".
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Two suggestions:

1. ISYM- stop feeding the trolls
2. Mods- please ban Recharts for senselessly polluting the forum with useless rhetoric and never ending paranoid gibberish. Either ban him or banish him to another area where his nonsensical rants won't antagonize anyone.

For what it's worth, I am also concerned about this double counting issue but have no desire to see the reasonable discussion degenerate into a circus of conspiracy theories. Let that foolishness remain housed in the Darth Mortgage Turner science fiction world.
Two suggestions:

1. ISYM- stop feeding the trolls
2. Mods- please ban Recharts for senselessly polluting the forum with useless rhetoric and never ending paranoid gibberish. Either ban him or banish him to another area where his nonsensical rants won't antagonize anyone.

For what it's worth, I am also concerned about this double counting issue but have no desire to see the reasonable discussion degenerate into a circus of conspiracy theories. Let that foolishness remain housed in the Darth Mortgage Turner science fiction world.

Sure I don't mind being banned :) if you admit your impotence in ignoring me.
I don't mind being banned since that would force me to be consistent with my
conclusions: the number of idiots buying and investing or invested in RE these
days is so big that any attempt to change their perception would be regarded as
insanity and as an attempt to disturb the social order.

You might want to go the Youtube thread to play the game about silly street names.
That will be more useful than my stats which some people seem to be missing and would like to see posted.

As a good bye I dare to ask, can you quote a site or an author that is bearish on RE and you trust?
I don't know any decent site that would speak against RE and where people can post their bearish opinions
And that is exactly because of countless idiots who suffocate any such opinion by their numbers not by their arguments.

I take it that you find more useful the posts that contain unchallenged quotes of TREB news releases.

This is one thing that I have not been able to tell to people who asked for my stats: they do nothing to deserve that sort of data.
Their reactions in front of guys like you or ISYM determine me to be quiet. Sorry for coming from a culture where the facts are openly discussed and where when we see a crook trying to fool us we shovel his own B$ on his throat, metaphorically speaking.

This was one of the things that surprised me in my first visit in US: quite straight guys without so much falseness and politically correctness like here in Canada.

So yeah, ban me if you wish and want a singe party site.
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“You’re a bitch†“You’re a bitch†“You’re a bitch.†“Bullshit†and add the afore mentioned “Pig Shitâ€

What an angry little misogynistic man lacking in confidence you must be to resort to that type of language.

What exactly did Ross Kay say to you? I suspect not anything that supports your side of the argument otherwise you would have proclaimed it in 40 point font.

I did in fact address this Canadian Watchdog's TREB stats 6 posts ago plus the numerous times to you pf4redflag, your alter-ego on RFD, of whom you lie and claim not to be. But who the heck is Canadian Watchdog that I should take it for granted that he knows of what he speaks, not that I don’t have my suspicions. Is he a member of Stats Canada? A TREB or CREA auditor? An infallible person? I can assure you recharts, that he doesn’t have all the answers, which he realizes, but he means well and does try to find them, yet I have no issues making it known when he is wrong.

You just explained us why the stats were adjusted with 22k sales and why reassignments count as resales.
Are you living in some alternate universe? Where in my posts have I addressed the assignments, much less any “reassignments� And what in God’s name is a reassignment anyway?

When one of your colleagues gets high and publishes information in online media about a hose that sold 50% over asking (when the asking was 50% under what the house is worth)...
Seriously man, you must be the only person in Canada who doesn’t understand the difference between underpricing a property to generate multiple bids and pricing slightly higher than market value when multiple bids are not being attempted.

that is beyond the scope of the conversation. You are avoiding to discuss the main point here: FAKE NUMBERS and CREA fireing somebody for revealing this.
Again you display your total lack of understanding of the industry. CREA cannot fire a Realtor from his job, the brokerage has to do that and the Realtor is still a Realtor provided that he transitions to another brokerage within X number of weeks.

you ar just liking the numbers that TREB produces
Why, yes I do because I can verify them.

And you just explained us that we have to trust you more than we trust our parents. You say you guys sold 582 properties and we say "Amen".
Yes indeed, you are living in an alternate universe. And you should say Amen, Amun, Amun Ra, Sol, whatever floats your boat because it’s a real number.

This conversation is now over.
Mods- please ban Recharts for senselessly polluting the forum with useless rhetoric and never ending paranoid gibberish. Either ban him or banish him to another area where his nonsensical rants won't antagonize anyone.


This thread is ridiculous...
“You’re a bitch” “You’re a bitch” “You’re a bitch.” “Bullshit” and add the afore mentioned “Pig Shit”
this is what you inspire me.

What an angry little misogynistic man lacking in confidence you must be to resort to that type of language.
what sort of human being you mast be to drive somebody crazy with your stupidity.

What exactly did Ross Kay say to you? I suspect not anything that supports your side of the argument otherwise you would have proclaimed it in 40 point font.
that TREB's numbers DO NOT ADD, you ......(pick one from above)! What else could he tell me? (wating my time here with a brain dead human beeing)

I did in fact address this Canadian Watchdog's TREB stats 6 posts ago plus the numerous times to you pf4redflag, your alter-ego on RFD,
how is this relevant to the discussion. you ... (pick one form the above, again)!

of whom you lie and claim not to be.
drives you crazy !

But who the heck is Canadian Watchdog that I should take it for granted that he knows of what he speaks, not that I don’t have my suspicions. Is he a member of Stats Canada? A TREB or CREA auditor? An infallible person?
attack the person , just do what you do the best. I am convinced that this sort of misserable tactics are learned during those 6 months of education

I can assure you recharts, that he doesn’t have all the answers, which he realizes, but he means well and does try to find them, yet I have no issues making it known when he is wrong.
who the f... are you to reassure me??
You are absolutely sure about everything you write here while the rest of us have no idea what they are doing or talking about
I keep hearing this from you ...this the kind of absolute confidence that only a very stupid person can have

Are you living in some alternate universe? Where in my posts have I addressed the assignments, much less any “reassignments”? And what in God’s name is a reassignment anyway?
assignment reassignment whatever you call it ......(pick one from above) , you know what I am talking above but you prefer to play semantics like this is a TREB news release.
That shows us who you are.

Seriously man, you must be the only person in Canada who doesn’t understand the difference between underpricing a property to generate multiple bids and pricing slightly higher than market value when multiple bids are not being attempted.
Yeah again. nobody understands but a RE agent.
......(pick one from above)! I am saying that you can price the property how you want but don't be a ......(pick one from above) and go the the newspapers and claim that the property was sold 150% over asking price and that shows us how well the RE market is doing.

Again you display your total lack of understanding of the industry. CREA cannot fire a Realtor from his job, the brokerage has to do that and the Realtor is still a Realtor provided that he transitions to another brokerage within X number of weeks.
Again you are playing semantics
Clearly someone pulled the strings and the guy was fired

Why, yes I do because I can verify them.
servile human being, it must be in your blood

Yes indeed, you are living in an alternate universe. And you should say Amen, Amun, Amun Ra, Sol, whatever floats your boat because it’s a real number.

This conversation is now over.

I hope so because I am sick of you.
