Active Member
I think this could be a disaster if the government ends up doing this and enacting it at this time. Not because I don't think that it is a good idea, on the contrary I think it is but this is the wrong time to do it. Imagine what will happen to all of the people sitting on the fence that have let's say a 5-9% downpayment and are pondering getting into the real estate game. What's going to happen is a feeding frenzy, the likes we haven't seen before in the coming year. All those wanting to get in before the downpayment and amortization period regulation are going to "get in" before they are priced out of the market. This will in turn drive up prices even further, and perhaps prompt first time buyers (most vulnerable) to purchase at a higher price point when they otherwise wouldn't, and definitely affect them the most. For the seasoned investor this will not have a huge impact, but for the thousands and thousands of first time definitely will. I say wait until the market cools and inventory goes up, basically a balance in the market place and then take the necessary steps for a long-term solution....not a short-term one with near sightedness that can inflate the so called "bubble" even further if there is one.
It works both ways... for buyers and sellers. If amortization is lowered and the minimum down payment is raised, then sellers will also rush to put their units on the market before the changes take effect in order to be able to sell the largest possible pool of buyers.