Decent bus service already exists all over the city...running higher order transit lines out to random culs-de-sac in the hopes that residents will be tempted to take transit is not a viable option unless the houses on the culs-de-sac are, literally, razed and rebuilt with something denser. That, as we all know, is simply not going to happen.
Hipster Duck isn't suggesting we only permit development in that downtown block, just that we should funnel as much as possible to such a block, or to other nodes. You can claim that's not what people want, but, over the years, the wants of the home buying public have shown to be very malleable and highly susceptible to trends, advertising, propaganda, etc. It would be very difficult or outright impossible to suddenly cancel all new houses and only build apartment towers, but pretty much everything that you like about your house overlooking the Rouge Park can be had in a townhouse, or a stacked townhouse, or a condo with a large terrace.
If one takes an objective look at the economic transformation of the GTA, Mississauga, Brampton, York Region has blowed by the 416 in development growth. The population is mobile and we are nullifying our global competitiveness with gridlock.
I would suggest the regional transportation network is a bigger issue in addressing productivity and lifestyle issues. The traffic coming down the 400 from Barrie is insane, ditto the 404, ditto across 7, Steeles, etc.
The traffic patterns is speaking to people's and companies choices of where to locate. It would seem that transit solutions need to use the gridlock template. More jobs will emanante from the 905 than downtown in the forseeable future. It is what it is...