Nice post. The National Post can have some finely written articles, and I appreciate reasoning and intelligent counterpoints to my own views and biases. I've been disappointed more and more by the G&M, though.
Thank you. And I definitely agree with you. There are some articles in the NP that still leave me shaking my head, but they're really gone much deeper than any other agency with the Robocalls stuff, as well as the F-35s. The G&M on the other hand has been putting out more and more fluff pieces devoid of any real fact or substance (Ibbitson in particular, he's been writing lately like he's trying to suck up for a Senate appointment).
The NP, G&M, Star, and Citizen pretty much all present the same facts, but frame them and analyze them in different ways. It's good to get multiple viewpoints on the same story. Conversely, when you're reading about the same thing in 4 different papers, it's much easier to sniff out BS, because when 1 paper is saying something and the other 3 are saying something completely different, well you can have a pretty good idea of which one is wrong.
I enjoy reading views that may be contrary to my own, because I usually see a new perspective on it. I may not always agree with it, but at least it makes me more informed about why I hold the views that I hold.
When all you're being fed is news from a single source, your ability to detect and filter out BS goes way down. I will admit the Star occasionally posts articles where even I go "what? are you kidding me?", but I find that when I do decide to wander over to the Sun website, I find myself saying that to nearly every article.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. No one is entitled to their own facts.