So...Doug picked up after his brother's campaign and followed through with all his resources, and I'm supposed to believe it was all him because...?
And last I checked, all politicians lie uncontrollably, especially in election years. Taking one politician's word without considering their own lies while criticizing others doesn't make a fair argument. Also, wasn't that 4.7 billion figure the absolute maximum for a full Sheppard extension beyond McCowan Avenue? In 2011, the TYSSE was just getting underway and despite that extension being longer, having larger stations and platforms, and crossing a municipal boundary, It still cost 3 billion dollars. At the time, 5 billion dollars for 6 km didn't add up to the status quo, and it was logical to void those numbers in favour of more universal statistics (which we know now are completely irrelevant).
But why even bring up old election promises when the Tory claim for vast subway extensions will be covered in under 5 billion dollars?