Harper launches new $14-billion infrastructure program
Gordon Isfeld | February 13, 2014 5:37 PM ET
OTTAWA — The Conservative government has added the long-awaited fuel needed to generate its new marquee infrastructure program.
For cities and municipalities across Canada, the new Building Canada Fund will pile $14-billion over 10 years into sorely needed new and upgraded construction projects.
“This will allow those whose job it is to make infrastructure decisions to plan those decisions with assurance over the long term,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Thursday at a community centre in Gormley, Ont., north of Toronto.
The new Building Canada Fund, originally announced in the 2013 budget, will replace a similar seven-year program that expires on March 31, Ottawa’s fiscal year-end.
The fund will function alongside other 10-year infrastructure initiatives for national, provincial-territorial, municipal and First Nations projects — under the umbrella of the new $53-billion Building Canada Plan. [...]