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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

PC 39% vs LIB 32%. Wynnes in not as bad a spot as people are making it out to be. Easily that is overcomeable. It might not happen but it certainly isn't a KO. If anything it's the liberals getting up from a good first round punch. Lots of time to come back.
On proroguing........

Not unique to the Liberals; but almost always a bad idea.

I would like to see this tradition done away with by law.

Its one way governments weasel out of honouring commitments to pass bills.

"Sorry, it died on the order paper, didn't have time to get back to it."

There is no practical reason for this tradition.

If the government wants to kill any bills its working on, it can do so.

If it wishes to give a big speech it can do so.

This is the sort of thing that is an overt political tactic either for pomp/media or to duck out on a commitment.

That is true for any and every party that does it.

Archaic, Axe It.
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No. I am not.

And it doesn't change the fact that the poster you are promoting if full of lies. That's not the way to beat Doug Ford.

This is coming from someone that hates his fucking guts and will be voting against him.

I'm just worried because his opponents already are looking like they will be too smug.

I asked because women in this country are incredibly protective of their right to choose. The majority is so large that Harper never once attempted to overturn abortion rights despite being in a stable government for 10 years. Whether you or I agree with it is irrelevant. Running an election on overturning women's right to choose — in Ontario no less! — is a seriously dumb mistake.
PC 39% vs LIB 32%. Wynnes in not as bad a spot as people are making it out to be. Easily that is overcomeable. It might not happen but it certainly isn't a KO. If anything it's the liberals getting up from a good first round punch. Lots of time to come back.

I wonder how many of those Liberal supporters in the poll are secretly closet Tories embarrassed to say aloud that they are voting for Doug?
It's a poll. Why lie? At least I don't see a reason to. I think it's more likely that a disgruntled liberal may say they will vote ndp/pc but when the time comes won't be able to stumach it.
