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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

I suppose you can go into any grocery store and buy alcohol?
I'm not sure what part of the City you work in, but here it's only at select stores - not free market.
The weed bit, I was referring to.

Like the free market we have with heroin, and cocaine, etc.
d) She also didn't mind his apparent stands on abortion and sex. ed. The latter seemed completely inconsistent w/who I know her to be......
so I challenged that and got this back... "Sex education is good, its important, we got it back home at 10, 10 is young enough, 8 is too young." and "I'm pro-choice
but if we have sex-ed and birth control, I don't know why we need abortion too, especially for young kids" .
Wynne promised to consult on the sex ed but instead forced it onto Ontarians. For me, judging from my conversations with my kids, much of this sex ed curriculum seems focused on social engineering and outlier normalization rather than preparing the next generation of young adults to make safe and informed choices. So, yes, I’d like a reset on this issue, with parental consultations. I’d say, unlike your hairdresser, many Ontarians fearing being called out or labeled, will keep their thoughts on this issue to themselves and vote PC.
There is an all-party committee report coming which I expect will recommend some variation of universal coverage.
So what need for the taskforce?

I think you will see something proposed which is different from Morneau's starting point; however, the likihood it will be an all-in, comprehensive plan, implemented prior to the next Federal election is beyond slim.

I hold out no hope. I wasn't even expecting as much as we've heard about recently. It came as a complete surprise that it was being considered at this time.
Wynne promised to consult on the sex ed but instead forced it onto Ontarians.
I was under the impression that there was some level of consultation. Was there not?

I'm going to attend the consultations they'll have when upgrading the maths and science curriculum. They'll have those too, right? History? The history consultations should be fun!
I was under the impression that there was some level of consultation. Was there not?

I'm going to attend the consultations they'll have when upgrading the maths and science curriculum. They'll have those too, right? History? The history consultations should be fun!
As a fan and lifetime student of history, my kids’ knowledge of history is poor and rampant with revisionism, despite their 90+ grades. But we must trust our schools to teach the basics. The issue on sex ed is that Wynne promised to consult, and did not. She did not promise to consult on math or history.
All of that is not to say that Mr. Ford will be our premier or that my hairdresser is a bellwether voter; but if she thinks/feels that way, it strikes me as very possible she speaks for a sizable number of voters
who would not normally vote PC.

That may spell real trouble for the Liberals.

I get shouted down here whenever I say this. The average voter is not cerebral about policy. And so populism works. Which is why you have to give them tangible benefits that work in their favour. Wynne has largely failed to do this. Or at least successfully portray this. So many people have personalized all of the costs and none of the benefits.
I was under the impression that there was some level of consultation. Was there not?
As a fan and lifetime student of history, my kids’ knowledge of history is poor and rampant with revisionism, despite their 90+ grades. But we must trust our schools to teach the basics. The issue on sex ed is that Wynne promised to consult, and did not. She did not promise to consult on math or history.
As I recall, the curriculum was derived in about 2009/10 - too close to the election so it was shelved with the promise to hold extensive consultations.
It was shelved until 2014, after she had her majority.
I believe there actually was some consultation when it was brought in - Liberal riding associations selected some parents to make dissertations.
I get shouted down here whenever I say this. The average voter is not cerebral about policy. And so populism works. Which is why you have to give them tangible benefits that work in their favour. Wynne has largely failed to do this. Or at least successfully portray this. So many people have personalized all of the costs and none of the benefits.
It’s the incompetence I can’t stand. Why do we build wind power all over the province and guarantee high rates when we have a massive surplus in power? Why?
I think Douh should say he will simply reform the bill then repeal it as I think a lot of people support the purpose of the bill but think it was rather poorly implemeted.

That cloud over the bill is why I think sadly it will be a vote getter for him.​
As a fan and lifetime student of history, my kids’ knowledge of history is poor and rampant with revisionism, despite their 90+ grades. But we must trust our schools to teach the basics. The issue on sex ed is that Wynne promised to consult, and did not. She did not promise to consult on math or history.
Is that the only issue with it and why it keeps being brought up?

What's so special about sex-ed anyway? It's just a bit of biology, chemistry, and physics. I don't even know why it's taught separately or why it has people in such a huff.
What are the social engineering aspects of this new curriculum? I'm a single 33 year old with no kids, I'm as far removed from schooling as possible, so I'm not familiar. I do help pay for it though, so it does interest me to that extent: I'm a fan of efficiency and quality and value. (Not the Doug Ford "efficiencies" model, more like the German stereotype).
No, there are other issues, to me anyway.
This is awkward for me, but you obviously don't want to expand on this while at the same time I did want you to explain what about it was so socially-engineering. I'm guessing I ain't getting word of that either.
It’s the incompetence I can’t stand. Why do we build wind power all over the province and guarantee high rates when we have a massive surplus in power? Why?

Well, some would say the wind turbines are needed so that we can replace the 9500+ megawatts of baseline nuclear power that we should shut down. If that's the goal, then we'll need a few more. :) Others would argue that we should buy more from Quebec. Maybe so, but then we will have to upgrade transmission lines, and people will howl about that too. There's just no winnin'.
For those commenting on the sex ed curriculum, have you read it? I doubt Doug has. I doubt many parents have. I don’t have kids that age, so I haven’t, but before trashing or praising it, people really should read it.
For those commenting on the sex ed curriculum, have you read it? I doubt Doug has. I doubt many parents have. I don’t have kids that age, so I haven’t, but before trashing or praising it, people really should read it.
I’ve read it, and have the booklets they send home with the kids, and have had many chats (and a lot of ice breaking laughs) while driving the kids to and from school on what they’re being told. My opinion is my own, but it is informed.
