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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

Chow is one very popular candidate with visible minorities, as she is the only major mayoral candidate who is a visible minority. She was born dirt poor and learned the value of money. She can use her own experience to connect with first-generation immigrants, which actually comprise a large percentage of Toronto's population.

Rob Ford was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
I think it unwise to mash all visible minorities together. First of all, much of that demographic are not citizens and cannot vote for mayor. Secondly, many visible minorities are business owners, strictly entreprenuerial, and in some cultures quite morally traditional. Thus they may also be disinclined to vote for a NDP socialist who will increase taxes and spending in orded to expand the size and role of government.

Reader question: “Can you please tell us how you will be any different than the man that ran from Toronto with his tail between his legs David Miller?”

Olivia Chow: “I’m not male. Not white. Want to start there?”

...and with that cheap attempt at being "cute", Chow has officially lost our vote. She failed to impress us at all during the first televised debate, seems overly coached and arrogant, and I have yet to see anything that demonstrates her ability to lead an inclusive, forward-thinking Toronto. What the hell was all the fuss about?
...and with that cheap attempt at being "cute", Chow has officially lost our vote. She failed to impress us at all during the first televised debate, seems overly coached and arrogant, and I have yet to see anything that demonstrates her ability to lead an inclusive, forward-thinking Toronto. What the hell was all the fuss about?

I share your sentiments. Chow has done absolutely nothing to make me excited me so far. Everything that's come out of her mouth since she announced her campaign has sounded like words from a seasoned politician. Maybe that is exactly what she is. Either way it doesn't impress me.

Was all this hype about her from the left simply due to her being Layton's wife? What redeemable qualities did people see in her prior to this election?
Of course she's a seasoned politician, she's been doing this for a lot of years. Same with Tory. And what I'm not seeing from either one of them is passion. They both look to me like they got dragged into this and while they don't want to see Ford re-elected, they're not particularly jumping up and down to be mayor either. Strange dynamics.
It is just about time for J Tory to walk away...He doesn't seem to have his heart in it...yeah...yeah...I know it is early however I've come to believe that J Tory really didn't want to throw his hat in the ring nevertheless did because of a seeming groundswell to "coronation"... he wasn't and isn't ready for a proverbial streetfight...He should throw his support behind David Soknacki as DS seems ready willing and able to take it to both Chow and Ford (Stintz is a nonfactor)
You all realize it is April and the vote is in October, right?

No one will remember what happens today. All that counts is the narrative in the few weeks leading up to election day.
You all realize it is April and the vote is in October, right?

No one will remember what happens today. All that counts is the narrative in the few weeks leading up to election day.

I do and the earlier the better....To me it is better to have stark in your face choices and hard policy discussions as early as possible for the electorate to ruminate and digest rather than have those dicussions 4 to 6 weeks in advance of the election date when hot button issues are being rained down on a daily basis....
...and with that cheap attempt at being "cute", Chow has officially lost our vote. She failed to impress us at all during the first televised debate, seems overly coached and arrogant, and I have yet to see anything that demonstrates her ability to lead an inclusive, forward-thinking Toronto. What the hell was all the fuss about?

That's it? A quip about her being 'not Miller' and, months before the election, you're already eliminating Chow? After two debates out of a schedule of as many as 100? She never really had a shot at your vote then, methinks.

Reader question: “Can you please tell us how you will be any different than the man that ran from Toronto with his tail between his legs David Miller?â€

Olivia Chow: “I’m not male. Not white. Want to start there?â€

That was a cheap shot at Miller, not a question. The man served two terms, 7 years. And, at the end of the last election campaign, as it became obvious Smitherman et al. were flaming out and the train wreck that is Ford would be elected, there were numerous polls stating that Miller would have been reelected. His mishandling of the communications aspect of the garbage strike has completely blotted out people's memory of those years, it seems. Pity, since so much went well.

As for the current campaign, it's pretty obvious Soknacki is trying to soak up as much press as possible early to build some momentum, and Stintz is doing the same thing from a slightly higher profile, but Chow and Tory are playing a much slower game. I'll be interested to see if the negative/neutral early impression of both Chow and Tory (like the quote here about them 'not seeming interested in the job') will be counteracted by whatever their big splashes are supposed to be.

Smitherman couldn't overcome his own baggage; it finally overwhelmed him. Ford will probably be the same once the attacks really start. But who steps into the void?
Of course she's a seasoned politician, she's been doing this for a lot of years. Same with Tory. And what I'm not seeing from either one of them is passion. They both look to me like they got dragged into this and while they don't want to see Ford re-elected, they're not particularly jumping up and down to be mayor either. Strange dynamics.

It's interesting that you note that. There's a lot of work to be done so Toronto can't afford to have someone in the chair who doesn't want to be there.

Rob Ford is the only one of the bunch who really, really, really loves being mayor of this city; the rest of them are just career snakes looking to con folks for that cheque on the ballot. The voters would do well to remember that on October 27.

Just putting that out there as a reminder.
Rob Ford is the only one of the bunch who really, really, really loves being mayor of this city;

Ford loves being mayor.

More precisely, Ford loves being his idea of what being mayor entails: undoing previous administrations' achievements, voting against things reflexively, taking credit for things he didn't initially support and generally being reactive ('Weeds! Garbage! Streetcars! Raargh!') instead of having a vision for the city.

Ford doesn't genuinely love the city itself.
It's interesting that you note that. There's a lot of work to be done so Toronto can't afford to have someone in the chair who doesn't want to be there.

Rob Ford is the only one of the bunch who really, really, really loves being mayor of this city; the rest of them are just career snakes looking to con folks for that cheque on the ballot. The voters would do well to remember that on October 27.

Just putting that out there as a reminder.

Hahahahaha... LOVE this. Although I'm not certain he knows WHY he loves being Mayor, it is very evident that that is true. God, it would be so cool if he was also a sensible, intelligent centrist, and not an incompetent, crack-smoking drunk. Because Forgotten is right -- he loves the job so much he goes in late on Saturday nights. Not weekdays before noon, mind you, but definitely late on Saturdays. Thank you, Forgotten, for another belly laugh.
I guess he loves Toronto the way an abusive partner would love their spouse. Oh the irony.

As to work being done, well, we know, running a city isn't a 9 to 5's a 10 to 2 one. 10 am and 2 pm, that is.

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Rob Ford is the only one of the bunch who really, really, really loves being mayor of this city; the rest of them are just career snakes looking to con folks for that cheque on the ballot. The voters would do well to remember that on October 27.

You're taking a brave stand against Socrates here, Forgotten. There's lots of reason to believe it's better to elect a reluctant but capable leader rather than the one who desires it most.
