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2006 Census: Visible Minorities

they, too, are getting noticeably less WASPy...

Reading this partial comment reminded me of a heated discussion I had with a very waspy middle aged woman I ran into at work last weekend. She was actually quite overbearing and attempted to shut down the discussion whenever I disagreed with her.

It goes like this.

She lives in a small town. Most of the white neighbors are gone. Immigrant families are moving in. She's not happy. She ranted against her current neighbors. I asked why.

She doesn't like that the entire family is living there. I mention that it's a long tradition of large families living together and sharing resources. She was absolutely livid that the other relatives should not be there and that she was going to try and get them forced out.

Apparently they rent but the owner may or may not be someone from their background. I think it's kind of pointless though. I don't believe for an instant that her problem was actually with the number of people living there.

She kept insisting it was wrong due to zoning by-laws that stipulate that single dwelling homes allow only the parents and children to live there. No other relatives. I attempted to point out the illogical approach to this and told her of the italian and greek families I grew up with in the upper beaches near the Danforth many years ago.

She wouldn't hear of this. I again pointed out that it was a reality. This was my reality at the time:

A very canadian family with the son, the parents, the granmother and uncle living upstairs as our next door neighbors.
Across the street was a french canadian family with the parents, many children and a aunt and uncle I think.
Further up the street were several greek families with parents, kids, and granparents all living together.

I think it's a race issue since her neighbors are from Pakistan and she's trying to use this bullshit story of zoning by-laws and number of family living together to cover it.

And this is what we get for the invention of the social construct we call the "nuclear family" which is pure nonsense and is just a tool to weaken families and thus communites. People divided are easier to conquer.
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No thanks. We already had one of those (and it didn't go too well, with all the death and everything).

I meant the census data was used by the Nazi and Vichy governments for rounding up the Jews and for US and Canadian governments for interning Japanese Americans. :D

I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing to keep track of ethnic statistics, but these data MUST be destroyed should a Far Right government ever be elected in Canada so that they don't fall into the wrong hands.
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Even the "white" race is made up of various ethnicities that hate each other or at the very least, rarely mix. Just walk through any older Toronto neighbourhood and see how the various "whites" get along: On the surface, perhaps they do; dig deeper, and you'll start to understand what I mean....

Haha, this is so true. There's no white race, there's just varying shades of pale. Coming from the former Yugoslavia, I can tell you people who are separated by nothing but the faintest wisps of ethnic differences can hate each other with such passion that it boggles the mind.
Haha, this is so true. There's no white race, there's just varying shades of pale. Coming from the former Yugoslavia, I can tell you people who are separated by nothing but the faintest wisps of ethnic differences can hate each other with such passion that it boggles the mind.

I'm from China and I ALWAYS check White on the census, because white is one of my fave colors. ;)
I try to check off trailer trash, but, I can never find it?

I like having south asians as neighbours. Jamaicans are irie. Koreans? come on in!!!

My only thought is "north american culture" will disappear.

don't ask me to define north american culture, I can't.

What if we can't celebrate halloween anymore cuz it offends someone?

Already at work and school we can't say christmas. It's a dirty word.

Quebec was concerned about "quebecois" culture disappearing.They literally made laws against english to "protect" quebecois culture. California declared english as their official language years ago as the influx of mexicans was at it's height.

but, I guess that's life, cultures emerge,rule, and are conquered and so on it goes...
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