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Search results

  1. J

    Looking for work - Could use a hand with leads/input.

    So I am getting a bit desperate to find work. Sent out 100+ resumes since the end of September when my previous contract expired. I have had 5 or 6 interviews for part-time work over the last month but unfortunately every potential employer is scared off by my Masters degree and the prospect of...
  2. J

    Blue Jays

    I don't think there's any problem with signing Melky. Who cares if people suspect he's cheating? Is anyone complaining about the Giants winning the World Series despite taking advantage of Melky's season to even get into the playoffs? And the fact is, many players are cheating throughout a...
  3. J

    Toronto Union Park | 303.33m | 71s | Oxford Properties | Hariri Pontarini

    The only thing I'm against is the casino element. What a pity that such a project hinges on that.
  4. J

    Your thoughts on French Immersion?

    I was in Extended French (in Niagara). As far as I was aware the terms EF and FI were interchangeable, and we often used them that way. Looking back, we probably had at least a half-day's worth of french classes (French, Math, Science, Social Sciences, Geography...) while English, Phys Ed and...
  5. J

    Your thoughts on French Immersion?

    Where I did my FI program, it was basically the de facto gifted program. My elementary school became known as the "ringer" school, because we'd end up stealing the brightest and most well-rounded students from the other schools in the city. Within my class there were a few people who went on to...
  6. J

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    Or it could be the fact that a great building is being considered expendable? I'm not sure what age has to do with it (in fact, you could maybe argue that such a great new building shouldn't be knocked down so soon). It is a shame that they couldn't find a way to incorporate the this theatre in...
  7. J

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    The height is irrelevant to me. As I've said before, who cares about the top floor if the 1st floor sucks? I'll be hesitant to support tearing down the current mid-rise buildings on this block if the street-level isn't as good or better than what is currently in place. I'm really not optimistic...
  8. J

    Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

    I'm not sure what to make of this. I think it's fantastic to see Mirvish invest in the city, but I'm very concerned about the heritage buildings in this area. There's already immense pressure on the restaurant row, and this isn't going to help that either. EDIT: Apparently none of the...
  9. J

    Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

    The whole "bread not circuses" act ignores the fact that even without Olympics we have homelessness, poverty, student debts (mine's at $40k, how about you?), etc. Would it be awesome if the money used for an Olympics was spent on those things? Of course, but that's not the reality of the...
  10. J

    Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

    TOperson: Okay, so LOCOG made the choice to use Greenwich Park and there have been concerns about this amongst locals. As someone who spent time in Grad school researching the impacts of Olympics, and as someone who has worked in heritage planning, I definitely understand the concerns related to...
  11. J

    Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

    Made in paint. Works alright for a 1min job.
  12. J

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    You've got to be kidding right? I don't even know where to begin, but I seriously hope that you understand that the government doesn't need to commit a Tiananman Square-like event for people to be mad. If that's your bar, then we're in a lot of trouble as a country. Anyways, I have already...
  13. J

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    You're right. I shouldn't assume that people hold their rights as a citizen in high regard. It's sad, but the best we can do is open people's eyes and hope for the best. Hell, I'm not pro or anti-police. I just don't know how anyone can look at that weekend and think that it wasn't one of the...
  14. J

    Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

    You didn't read my entire post. In these London Games, only football is being held as far away as Glasgow, and that was for stadium requirements that they imposed. Likewise, for Beijing the only events outside of Beijing were football matches, and the equestrian, which was only held in Hong Kong...
  15. J

    Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

    The London Organizers put in those stipulations, and the IOC has their own as well (which have to do more with logistics if I'm not mistaken. You can't put the world's media in Craven Cottage). Essentially they only wanted Category 4 stadiums to be used (though I'm not sure why Emirates wasn't...
  16. J

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    The police knew they would be detaining individuals. It would be naive to think that $1billion worth of security installations wouldn't include provisions for detentions. As such, people should have some expectations that certain necessities are met. And the fact is what people went through was...
  17. J

    Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

    Not sure why you lumped my comment in with TOareaFan's comment as I was arguing that these aren't strictly a "Toronto Games". Places like Welland and St Catharines are not Toronto or even the GTA. As such, I'd argue they're a "Golden Horseshoe Games" As for these Olympics, Glasgow, Cardiff...
  18. J

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    Some of you are far too preoccupied with the dollar amount. The point of the lawsuit is to bring more attention to the issue of police brutality and misuse of power. They aren't going after the police to try to get rich and anyone who would be so simple-minded to think that has never interacted...
  19. J

    Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

    Only, Welland and St Catharines are really no where near Toronto, have little/nothing to do with Toronto, and you wouldn't be hard pressed to find someone from those cities that has never been to Toronto either. A better description would be a Golden Horseshoe Games.
  20. J

    Aerial highway bypasses GTA

    Niagara is a region of just under 500k people. How many places of that size don't have an airport? Now add in the fact that the region is the biggest tourist destination in the country, and it makes even less sense why it's been ignored. I don't think the proximity to GO matters that much as...
