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  1. PukeGreen

    Where would you live?

    Haha, I honestly have no financial stake in this sale :) But I do have a lot of enthusiasm for my hood, and I like to share it. But definitely, you do need to embrace an urban lifestyle to live here, as there are very few (if any) individual houses. Condos are pretty much the only option...
  2. PukeGreen

    Where would you live?

    St. Lawrence Market! Personally, after 6 years in the St. Lawrence Market area, I can't envisioning moving elsewhere. My wife and I would like a bigger place, but we both agree we wouldn't leave the neighbourhood. Anywhere in the King East to Parliament to Esplanade to Yonge box is great...
  3. PukeGreen

    Bought a car, but just drive it in the winter?

    Seriously, bad winter weather is the one time you don't want to be driving. The odds of something happening, whether your fault or not, are simply very high. If you can survive without a car in the summer, you can probably do so in the winter, too. Waiting at a cold bus stop sucks, but so...
  4. PukeGreen

    Toronto Vü Condos | 83.51m | 24s | Aspen Ridge | Hariri Pontarini

    I also love St. James park, in fact, it's one of my favourites in the city. And most of the time it's pretty welcoming, especially the Victorian garden. But at certain days and times the northern and eastern parts do tend to get taken over by some scruffy characters. It's a shame that the...
  5. PukeGreen

    West Don Lands

    I wish there were some labeled points of reference in the renders, I have difficulty figuring out exactly where I am in that first render. Like, for example, where is the Distillery... to the left (west) of that? Re: the right turn lanes, I notice that the bike lanes on the right edge seem to...
  6. PukeGreen

    Waterfront: General Topics

    Sherbourne Park & Corus... in progress Earlier today I snapped a few photos while walking along Queen's Quay east to Sherbourne, and then north. The groundbreaking / destruction is well underway on the park. I must say it is hard to reconcile the beautiful renderings on the hoarding with the...
  7. PukeGreen

    Frequent helicopter noise

    Whenever I hear a helicopter and manage to get a glimpse it seems to be an orange medical evacuation helicopter. I'm okay with that. I assume they are flying it for the purposes of saving a life, not taking it on 5 AM joyrides. Same goes for police helicopters. Unless the same helicopter is...
  8. PukeGreen

    Disappointed with Canadian Church

    I find this thread to be a spot of much-needed comic relief. Thank you.
  9. PukeGreen

    Toronto Market Wharf | 110.33m | 33s | Context Development | a—A

    I agree that spending any money on the temporary structure beyond what it takes to make it safe and functional is pointless. Whatever it ends up being, it won't be much worse than the parking lot that is currently there, and for that matter, not much worse than the existing North Market! I...
  10. PukeGreen

    Our Streets - King Street

    I love all these photos! Great. I've tried to photograph many of these things before which much crappier results.
  11. PukeGreen

    West Don Lands

    Probably because it is under constant construction, and god knows this development is going slow enough already! Also there's no proper access for private vehicles, the whole area is walled off with massive hoardings and the only entrances are for construction machinery. The temp dumps need to...
  12. PukeGreen


    They tend not to arrest or pursue the prostitutes themselves, but only the "Johns". I used to live on Jarvis near Gerrard about a decade ago and I would watch out the window as the cops stopped and chatted with the girls, sometimes giving them coffees, and then busted the guys who pulled up. I...
  13. PukeGreen

    Tim Horton's in Times Square

    I think Tim Hortons will do well in NYC. The coffee is not "gourmet" but it is reasonably tasty and consistent. As is the food. The service is fast, which suits the office rush, and the price point is well below that of Starbucks. In my opinion when Krispy Kreme expanded to Canada they fell...
  14. PukeGreen

    O'Keefe Centre

    That last photo of St. James before Market Square, and the second photo in this thread showing the bleak aerial view of of the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood amaze me. I keep going back to them again and again. To think that these photos were taken in my own lifetime, or perhaps only a year...
  15. PukeGreen

    Ubisoft coming to Toronto

    This is good news. This is what we need more investment in. It worries me to see our governments invest billions in jobs related to the oil sands and auto manufacturing -- dying industries of the past, -- while barely acknowledging the careers of the future. There are a lot of hi-tech and...
  16. PukeGreen

    Ontario Produce at supermarkets?

    This is just one example of the many problems with our food manufacturing and distribution systems. Having recently read Paul Robert's The End of Food and watched Food Inc. at the Cumberland (go see it while you can!) and I can tell you that the problems are much bigger, and scarier, than...
  17. PukeGreen

    Time to Ban Phone Books

    Maybe... but only if the phone system is still running, and if you have an old-school phone that doesn't require electricity, and the person you are phoning also has an old-school phone. :)
  18. PukeGreen

    Time to Ban Phone Books

    Agree. I see these piles of phone books around various places, mouldering away. I haven't opened one in at least a decade. But I suspect the advertising rates they charge are based on circulation numbers, so if they print fewer copies they'd have to charge less for advertising. And a phone...
  19. PukeGreen

    The suburban lifestyle is no longer sustainable

    Census: Big cities now growing quicker Interesting article on US migration patterns based on the last census. Money quote: "Suburban sprawl may not be dead, but it's certainly on hiatus". CENSUS: BIG CITIES NOW GROWING QUICKER Housing crunch, recession and gas prices have slowed migration...
  20. PukeGreen

    Markham to Become a City?

    "Small-town feel"? "Villages"? Wow, either I've missed some major parts of Markham or there's some serious delusions going on there. I worked in Markham for years and the commute in and out was a nightmare. Highway 7, Warden, Steeles: those roads are wider and more harrowing than any I've...
