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  1. Kat_YYZ

    UT Forum New Design?

    Weren't there a lot more pages to this thread before? Or another thread with way more questions and answers?? Well, I hate to ask questions that have already been asked & answered, but I don't know where to look, so I guess I'll have to do just that. :D 1. Is there a way to go to a specific...
  2. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I was just wondering... has anyone else ever run across a version of the ITO on Scribd that has some of the redacted parts "unredacted"? Like from what I see it's just D.O.B.s, addresses and phone numbers. I don't have an account so can't download the whole thing... I can only view some pages...
  3. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    someone who doesn't want to find out what it is because then he might be forced to do something about it. Fits with Towhey's m.o. perfectly, to be honest. Easier to rationalize to yourself that it was "just drunken ravings" and "probably nothing".
  4. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    yes, I've heard of preventative chemo being done; I don't think it's weird considering he had cancer before. The quicker you get to the cells the better, right?
  5. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    especially when working isn't even his normal life. :p
  6. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    when did we stop writing AIDS in all caps? I've noticed this and it bothers me. People know it's an acronym, right? (sorry for OT rant)
  7. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm guessing he'd have different groups of friends... ones that didn't necessarily know each other. Even in spite of other evidence, up until the video scandal there were still people thinking he was a "nice family man" :rolleyes:
  8. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    they wont though... Nope, none of them will have the stones for any of that. Because CANCER.
  9. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    yeah me too, so I guess both Rob and Randy were there. And yeah, you can buy black running shoes with no bright colour trims, black laces... people might not even notice at first glance. But Rob's too cheap I guess.
  10. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't know if this is true but I've heard that scans can miss things more easily with larger people whose bulk gets in the way, making early detection more difficult. Maybe the angle of the second scan was just a half inch different, and suddenly they could see what was being obstructed before.
  11. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mikey has been talking a lot since his FoFam-controlled Ward 2 run ended abruptly. On twitter, to media, etc. And a lot of what he's been saying is not Ford-fanbase-friendly. I wouldn't be surprised if he's happier doing the school trustee thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if the FoFam is no...
  12. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    same old names, same old places, TPS doing nothing... @LateNightCam 57m57 minutes ago Shots fired at House of Lancaster on The Queensway in @TPS22Div - We were here last Tuesday for the same thing.
  13. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have often wondered that myself, Evva. After going down a few rabbit holes the last couple of years on this thread, and finding names that keep popping up again & again, getting jobs and 'appointments'; stories like the Byblow one (the Star recently had something about cops who've been charged...
  14. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    well, let's not forget that it was brought up in the context of misuse of city-paid employees and "respect for taxpayers". Now, we all know Ford's true believers won't care and will make some excuse. But there are a lot of people upset about wasteful spending, and it's good for them to see that...
  15. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Winner! but... am I the only one wondering if there really was any "sandwich for Stephanie"? Or if a staffer was being sent to a specific place to pick up "something" and deliver it to "someone" every day?
  16. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    well, what can one say? Randy was already arrested for beating up some guy that owed him money in the 80s right? ...or kidnapping the guy's son, or something? PCP can make people psychotic so if he's already a thug, it's no surprise it would make him crazier. I don't have any trouble believing...
  17. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    #thanksobama is pretty well-known online meme. Which means the tweet has nothing to do with Rob himself, as I'm sure he's clueless about online memes in general, let alone how they work. He would never think of that himself. I largely agree with...
  18. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good job at the Jays game, Jimmi. :D how you keep scoring tickets? do we need to start a collection? :p
  19. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hahaha, Trudeau bat-flipped Harper! :D Bye bitch! (thanks to @MetroMan 's twitter for the pic ;)) Let's hear what the Ford bros have to say on that. If Harper resigns, wonder if Doug will throw his hat in.
  20. Kat_YYZ

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Prescription drugs (that you don't have a prescription for) is where it's at, I hear.
