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  1. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The modern suburb and the associated unsustainable urban sprawl is mainly the result of city planning motivated by profit instead of public interest, and of course a healthy dose of "well I can't raise my children around all these <ethnic minority>!" in a culture which emphasized that working...
  2. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah I'm sure these pricks really have everyone's best interests at heart. With or without Rob Fard we're eating shit.
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Overton Window has been shifted so far to the right by monied interests over the past 40 years both here and in the US, that it's all but impossible to even mention legitimate left wing ideas like taxing the rich without being figuratively mocked off the stage by every mainstream (and...
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's not 1970 anymore, gainful employment options without post-secondary are fewer and fewer. I don't think it should be this way, but there it is.
  5. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The fun part is there are fewer and fewer decent jobs for their kids, so they get to stay at home while their parents shit on them repeatedly for not being born in an age where even a university degree is no longer a guarentee of gainful, rewarding employment. Suburbanites are often just...
  6. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's important to remember that the suburbs aren't real communities, just little bubbles where people live and stew about whatever things their wedge politics have encouraged them to blame for their ills. The people that live here generally have little concern for others outside of their...
  7. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Actually, I've backed up what I've said with quotes of Ford's. I'm sorry if my spelling isn't 100% perfect all the time but I wasn't aware this was an english class, and so far I haven't recieved any complaints from anyone about not conveying my thoughts clearly. If I have a bias toward...
  8. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    -I don't recall seriously objecting to his size or weight, although I think the "he's a fat fuck" sentiment probably comes up so often because he looks exactly like the entitled richboy "businessman" fatcat that he is. The guy looks like a cartoon character and when combined with his rediculous...
  9. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Most people are too busy working or looking for work and trying to live their lives to follow the story closely enough to be able to put all the pieces together, the result is they only remember Ford's "I SAVED A GABILLION DOLLARS SOMEHOW" and "EVIL STAR COMMIENAZI PROPAGANDA SLUR CAMPAIGN!"...
  10. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Your replies indicate that you are far more invested in all this than you would have everyone believe. Otherwise you'd be pretty content to smugly sit on the sidelines and half pay attention in silence. Additionally, your attempt to impress others with your "life" is transparent and pathetic...
  11. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And yeeeeeeah considering the "business community" is busy doing stuff like trying to drive down canadians' wages so they can pay themselves more, I think we should take their viewpoint and reccomendations with a grain of salt *sucks air through teeth*
  12. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'd love it if there were any actual socialists to vote for in this country, if only to drag the overall tone of political discourse away from this garbage right wing/neoliberal "consensus" that's getting everybody nowhere. I mean, look at where we are now? People ranting like madmen against...
  13. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The technology to convincingly fake the video of Rob Ford as described does not currently exist and if it did, would almost certainly not be availible to anybody that would want to. It is foolish to believe that some slapped together comedy edit made with Windows Movie Maker or something...
  14. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well that sounds awful and I hope it's not true. In fact, what indicates that it is true? Forgive me if I'm asking something that's already been answered.
  15. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's that "unfuckwithable" wanker looking for attention again, pay him no mind.
  16. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    After the G20 I have no faith in TPS as a force for good in cases like these, but I don't know what their relationship with the Fords is like. Is it truly plausible that the police would cover for them?
  17. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Could well be a really lame stunt. No matter, the stuff about the house where the photo was taken is compelling enough to anyone not willingly blinding themselves due to their own twisted insecurities.
  18. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Clearly, you do. :)
  19. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh Gawker, you cards.
  20. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There are a lot of people that are giving Ford the benefit of the doubt because the extent to which they follow any news story (particularly in politics) is merely "Well I had the TV on in the background while I was doing something else." Just today I was talking to a friend of mine that works...
