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News   Sep 24, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

So Doug Ford is deciding to extend the state of emergency through to the end of June. Personally I find this somewhat aggravating given how other countries and other parts already got this virus under control in a much shorter time. Even NYC got a much worse outbreak under control faster than we are.

I have lost faith in Doug Ford and his ability to control this pandemic. Originally I liked his handling of it but this has gone on far too long and the province needs to get its s**t together.

The reopening started too soon. I keep seeing many construction workers not distancing (because they just can't). And expecting store staff to police their customers and maintain distancing is wishful thinking. Ford should have waited until the number of daily cases was much lower, as was initially suggested (200 a day, for example). But Ford remains more careful than Legault. Movie and TV production restarts next week in Québec, and they want to reopen theatres before June 24.

I checked back a few pages so apologies if this was posted before. We really suck. Canada's and specifically Ontario's and more specifically Toronto's Covid response is an embarrassment. Can't determine yet if it's just shameful or outright negligent given we had the advantage of a greater amount of time to prepare vis a vis other jurisdictions.
UK Bans Sex Between People From Different Households, Overnight Stays Made Illegal

From link.

In order to check the spread of the coronavirus, England has made sex between people from different households illegal. The new law, which comes into effect from 11:30 am local time on Monday, also bans overnight stay at any place other than one's home. Those caught flouting the ban will have to pay a fine of $124, which if paid within 14 days, will be reduced to $62.

At the beginning of the lockdown, Britain's deputy chief medical officer Jenny Harries had reportedly asked couples to make choices and stick to them.

Suggesting couples to move in together if they wanted to continue seeing each other, once the lockdown was imposed, Harries, while addressing a press conference, had stated: "The issue here is that we do not want to have people switching in and out of households. It would defeat the purpose of the reduction in social interactions and would allow transmission of disease."

Private Gatherings at Home Punishable for Owner Too

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2020 make it illegal for couples/individuals staying in different households to have sex in their home, until further notice. Sex in public places is already illegal in the UK.

Under the new law, gatherings in any place, including private home, that includes two or more people, has also been banned. "Close contact with people from other households means a much higher risk of transmission, and according to the scientific advice, we cannot safely allow people to see people they don't live with indoors without the risk that the virus will spread," the new regulations say.

According to Metro, the new rules state: "No person may participate in a gathering which takes place in a public or private place indoors and consists of two or more persons.'

Earlier, those violating the lockdown were punished, but with the amended regulation, even the owner of the home where the gathering is held would be facing punishment.

"The rules say that only those with 'reasonable excuses' will be allowed to meet privately indoors, which does not include meeting up to have sex. Elite athletes, vulnerable people and key workers, come under reasonable excuses," reported the outlet.

Netizens Fume

Expressing shock over the new set of laws, the UK human rights attorney Adam Wagner tweeted: "I can't believe I'm about to tweet this. From tomorrow sex between two (or more) people in a private place who do not live in the same household is a 'gathering' between 2 or more people and is therefore illegal."

"The UK bans casual sex? Imagine my shock!" said another user.

"Sex with someone you don't live with is illegal from today. Ireland advised against rimming and the UK bans hookups," tweeted a user.

The coronavirus has infected over 275,000 people in the United Kingdom and killed more than 38,000 since its outbreak in Wuhan, China, last year.


Wonder if this is now a requirement...

The tests were conducted by the William Osler Health System, which has hospital sites in Etobicoke and Brampton, as well as a drive-through COVID-19 assessment centre. The test samples were processed by the laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital in downtown Toronto.

Staff at each hospital thought that notifying the public health units about the approximately 700 positive tests was the responsibility of the other hospital, according to a source informed about the mixup. The actual responsibility lay with William Osler, said provincial officials.

In an email Monday, a spokesperson for William Osler Health System declined to comment on what happened, and referred all questions to Ontario Health,

As far as I can tell from this story, they never told any of these people with positive tests that they had the virus until this weekend, and so no contact tracing has been done. No surprise now that Peel appears to be the centre of the spread of the virus in Ontario.

Also, none of these cases from their drive-through centre were counted in the daily testing totals, which could partly explain why daily testing numbers were so low. That would mean hundreds, maybe 1,000 per day from all of William Osler Health were never included for some period, but they were taking up testing capacity.

This is a massive fiasco.
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The reopening started too soon. I keep seeing many construction workers not distancing (because they just can't). And expecting store staff to police their customers and maintain distancing is wishful thinking. Ford should have waited until the number of daily cases was much lower, as was initially suggested (200 a day, for example). But Ford remains more careful than Legault. Movie and TV production restarts next week in Québec, and they want to reopen theatres before June 24.

That is why Quebec is the epicenter of the virus in Canada and seventh in the world.
That is why Quebec is the epicenter of the virus in Canada and seventh in the world.

Really, I don't think that's quite accurate.

Quebec's problem is overwhelmingly in the LTC setting. That makes the risk genuinely lower for those not exposed to said system.

Following that, the problem is concentrated in the Montreal area.

That means if you surveyed Quebec equally you'd get a majority who don't live in Montreal or have LTC exposure risk reporting low worry; and they wouldn't be wrong.

Quebec became an epicenter first and foremost because of the LTC issue.

A notable secondary cause is the number of snowbirds who were down in Florida.

Quebec has handled a number of things poorly in relation to Covid, most, thought not all, have to do with the LTC issue.

Few have to do with the general views of ordinary Quebecers in real time.
Add this to the list of ridiculous things people line up for, and during a pandemic and in a Covid hot spot.

But they're PREMIUM outlets! They have the best of the junk that no one would buy at a real store!
Is freedom of association not covered under our charter rights?

Yes, but in all instances, Section 1 comes into play. Nothing is absolute.

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
