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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

I already know who I’m not voting for. But there are plenty who seem to be unphased by this and still have unwavering support for Wynne and the Libs. Amazing.
If the conservatives move back into race-bating, retrograde religious morality and debt-funded tax cuts they can’t receive my vote. The liberal economic stewardship is fine, but their ham-fisted scandals are not. The NDP has lost its way and has no compelling plan. So basically it’s Liberal or NDP, but really it's Liberal to hold off the Tories.

Now, if Elliott can win and control the nut jobs that might change the equation, but early performance is not encouraging.
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Can't figure out if Patrick Brown has string here or not, so I'll post this here.

It was obvious that CTV were part of a plot to sink Brown. Make no mistake, I had/have little use for Brown, but here's an example of how CTV (with deep inside roots in old Conservative families) have purposely played this:
"The comments made about me on social media were demeaning, victim-blaming and misogynistic. My privacy was invaded, my character was assassinated, and I was subjected to gratuitous slurs about my private life and relationships. The comments that I have been subjected to ignore altogether the abuse of power by an older sober man over a young intoxicated woman," she said.

She now says that she was of legal drinking age and out of high school. Brown was a Conservative member of Parliament at the time of the alleged incident.

She's been lying all this can happen in these situations. I won't comment further on how that sets up other *genuine* cases being harmed, but CTV titles that article:
Patrick Brown accusers stand by allegations

Geez, d'ya think the fix is in?
Channel surfing the other night, I saw a quick flash on CP20FORD about Brown considering legal action against some of the purported figures who've smeared him out of the PC leadership. No names mentioned, of course, which makes me wonder who he has in mind....
Can't figure out if Patrick Brown has string here or not, so I'll post this here.

It was obvious that CTV were part of a plot to sink Brown. Make no mistake, I had/have little use for Brown, but here's an example of how CTV (with deep inside roots in old Conservative families) have purposely played this:

She's been lying all this can happen in these situations. I won't comment further on how that sets up other *genuine* cases being harmed, but CTV titles that article:
Patrick Brown accusers stand by allegations

Geez, d'ya think the fix is in?

Careful, now; just because she lied about her age at the time doesn't mean all her allegations should be dismissed out-of-hand.

Either way, it's absurd to say it's "obvious" that CTV was doing anything untoward.
I'll move it out of Toronto to better reflect the fact that it's province-wide discussion.
Maybe rename it as well? "2018 Ontario Provincial Election"

And maybe add a sticky note to the Toronto Politics forum to remind everyone of the split?
It was supposed to set up a redirect when I moved it.
@MetroMan , I believe you started the thread -- are you ok with renaming it? It has definitely broadened out from just the question of whether Wynne can win again.
Channel surfing the other night, I saw a quick flash on CP20FORD about Brown considering legal action against some of the purported figures who've smeared him out of the PC leadership. No names mentioned, of course, which makes me wonder who he has in mind....
Now the Sun has this...

TORONTO — A key accusation which cost Patrick Brown the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party – that he plied an underage high school girl with booze – is not true, CTV News now acknowledges.

The stunning revelation concerns a woman who told CTV that when she was a student in a Barrie high school, the then federal Conservative MP took her home from a bar, gave her booze, took her to his room, and crudely asked for oral sex.

“She now says that she was of legal drinking age and out of high school,” the CTV News online article published late Tuesday says.

The item is the fifth paragraph in a news story that begins with the accusers saying they “are not backing down” from the claims that toppled a potential premier-in-waiting.
Interesting that the woman's lawyer is David Butt. He's a heavyweight criminal defence lawyer with a history of representing sexual assault victims. Hard to believe he would risk his name on anything that was less than airtight.

He'd also be expensive - especially if there isn't a lawsuit or settlement being discussed. Is someone bankrolling the operation?

On the face of it these allegations have a ring of credibility. It's the timing that's interesting - did the story just happen to break at the worst possible moment, or was it helped along by someone looking to take out Brown?
Now the Sun has this...

TORONTO — A key accusation which cost Patrick Brown the leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party – that he plied an underage high school girl with booze – is not true, CTV News now acknowledges.

The stunning revelation concerns a woman who told CTV that when she was a student in a Barrie high school, the then federal Conservative MP took her home from a bar, gave her booze, took her to his room, and crudely asked for oral sex.

“She now says that she was of legal drinking age and out of high school,” the CTV News online article published late Tuesday says.

The item is the fifth paragraph in a news story that begins with the accusers saying they “are not backing down” from the claims that toppled a potential premier-in-waiting.

Brown also previously stated that one of the accusers described being in a second floor bedroom, which he says is impossible because at the time in question, he was renting a small, one-storey apartment. He noted he has corroboration on this point.

I must confess I find what passes for journalism here deeply disturbing.

The initial headlines were problematic, mentioning sex in the same breath as 'underaged'; when, at the time, the latter was in reference to the drinking age.

As it turns out, it appears, the women in question were not under any age (drinking or consent).

There remain questions about Mr. Brown's judgement to be sure.

But this appears more and more as an intentional hatchet job.


I have to say here, I have no time for misogynist BS; and I was no particular fan of Mr. Brown's before this whole debacle, and still can't say I am one.

But when I see things like this, I also reflect on another CTV hatchet job............anyone remember Stephane Dion? A Liberal aspirant to the office of PM, who CTV demeaned unfairly, surely costing him his job as Liberal leader and any shot he had at being PM.

I'm not a fan of media playing King/Queen maker or dethroner. If they do so, they really ought to be able to achieve it on meritorious facts, that are provable and corroborated; I don't think that's too much to ask.

I also have deep concern about the damage this may do to many women who have suffered legitimate abuse, criminal or otherwise, who now may not be believed, because again we have 'witnesses' caught in a lie.
