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Midtown Toronto

Zoning courtroom drama! h/t to Torontoist.

Not sure where to put this on UT, but among a number of orgs and property owners, CORRA is protesting the upzoning of properties along Eglinton at the OMB with its Eglinton Connects Plan. At a recent hearing, the CORRA rep walked out in the middle of the hearing.

I have no doubt that being in court is stressful and this in the report discusses what happened, under [6] in the report:
"...CORRA’s representative did not comport herself with respect for the Board’s processes. When the Board called upon the representative to answer proper questions from the City put to her in respect of CORRA’s appeals, she chose instead to commence reading from a binder. She also refused to accept the ruling of the Board that the matter of City notice had been resolved and she posed a question to the Board on this point that can only be characterized as disrespectful. She subsequently walked out of the PHC without explanation or notice while it was still in progress and while the Board was reading from an earlier Order to all in attendance."

This means that (again from the report) "By way of this Order and in accordance with s.37.1 (2) of the same Act , the Board will provide CORRA with 10 days from the date of issue of this Order [January 28, 2016] to provide information in writing as to why the Board should not dismiss its appeals without holding a hearing."
The city has endorsed speed humps on Merton St. between Yonge and Mt. Pleasant along with a 30 km/h speed limit. I received a ballot in the mail to vote on whether they should proceed.
I have lived on Merton for 17 years and don't really have an issue. Maybe 1% of drivers I observe here drive stupid but speed humps may just make them angry as well. They may get bored at 30 km/h and start texting...
Anyone in the neighbourhood have any thoughts?
We've always had speed bumps on my street since I moved here almost 10 years ago. About 5 years ago, they installed speed bumps on my street further south as well. When they lengthened the stretch of my street with speed bumps, I actually found it did result in a bit less pass-through traffic - a long stretch of speed bumps is enough to encourage some drivers to stick to the closest arterial. And I don't find the speed bumps create angry drivers - there is the occasional a*****e who still drives far too fast, bouncing over the speed bumps, but most people slow down.
Everything on that stretch of Eglinton is closing; Who can blame them; I bet we'll see even more of that until construction is done.
I just came upon this recently in Mount Pleasant Cemetary and found it kinda funny. This is Steve Stavros' monument to himself.
Oh God. If Banjara closes, I'll be devastated. It's probably the best Indian restaurant in mid-town. The butter chicken is insane.

Also, as a wide-eyed ingenue who just moved to Toronto in 2003, Spring Rolls was indeed the bomb. Then I had real Asian food and never went back. I do miss Cha Liu on Yonge, though. Great dim sum.
Oh God. If Banjara closes, I'll be devastated. It's probably the best Indian restaurant in mid-town. The butter chicken is insane.

Also, as a wide-eyed ingenue who just moved to Toronto in 2003, Spring Rolls was indeed the bomb. Then I had real Asian food and never went back. I do miss Cha Liu on Yonge, though. Great dim sum.
There's still the one at Bloor & Crawford.
