The City of Toronto's Planning Department is raising awareness of their 'Midtown in Focus' planning initiative with a series of pop-up information sessions and open house events. Responding to the area's rapid intensification and infrastructure upgrades, the planning initiative aims to ensure that future development projects contribute to the overall livability and vitality of the Midtown area. To achieve this, the City Planning Division is leading a Growth, Built Form, and Infrastructure Study that zeroes in on areas experiencing significant growth with specific attention being paid to the shape and scale of new buildings, heritage resources, parks and public spaces, community services, and transportation.

Midtown in Focus, City of Toronto Planning DepartmentAerial view of the Yonge-Eglinton intersection, image by Jack Landau

The latest event is planned for this coming weekend, on Saturday, April 2, and will be held in the cafeteria of North Toronto Collegiate Institute, at 17 Broadway Avenue, between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Residents of the community are encouraged to participate in the discussion, which will include an update from city staff about the work completed so far. Visitors will have access to activities, information stations, and city staff throughout the duration of the open house.

You can learn more about the ongoing Midtown in Focus study by visiting