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Ridiculous comments and claims made by City Councillors


Senior Member
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Feb 4, 2015
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I think this deserves it's own thread. Georgio Mammoliti has made another ridiculous comment today, this time asking for the army to be called in to deal with the "turf war" in the Islington and Steeles area. This adds to his previous foolish comments regarding a red light district, and a curfew after 10pm. If anyone has news clippings, and other stories to add feel free to post them here.

Here are just some of Mammoliti's comments:

ISIS isn't the only thing we have to worry about in terms of terrorism. We have our own and they're called drug dealers
We have a well-established federal reserve - an army perhaps - that can come in and help police
They have the tools. They have more tools than the police department has to be able to track people down and treat them as the terrorists that they are
Let's see, IIRC he has shown up at City Hall shirtless, argued against EDM event(s) at the Ex due to Parkdale being full of pedophiles (while supporting Muzik?)....
We can have a thread that rivals the post count of "Rob Ford's Toronto" on Jimmy K's statements alone.
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I think this deserves it's own thread. Georgio Mammoliti has made another ridiculous comment today, this time asking for the army to be called in to deal with the "turf war" in the Islington and Steeles area. This adds to his previous foolish comments regarding a red light district, and a curfew after 10pm. If anyone has news clippings, and other stories to add feel free to post them here.

He's never going to explain how that'll work, is he? Tools, indeed. How would the army help? Would there be a curfew in problem neighbourhoods and APCs riding around at night ready to shoot people on sight?
I think some of the most ridiculous Councillor comments came during the recent debate on ranked ballots. Some Councillors twisted themselves in knots trying to justify their self-serving votes against ranked ballots, especially those who, without any warning, changed their positions.

But I think the worst part of the whole episode was when Paula Fletcher published an open letter, clearly responding to all the flack she was getting, in which she took sanctimony and hypocrisy to new heights when she wrote "[A]ny transformation of our democratic electoral process should only take place after a rigorous democratic process ... When we change our voting system, I believe it has to be based on thoughtful, considered debate and best advice from City officials after broad City-wide public consultation."

Hard to believe she's a supporter of public consultation when she voted, without any consultation with her constituents, for a motion which asked the Province not to proceed with ranked ballots. In other words, she voted to shut down public debate. And then lied about it. All the while championing herself as the defender of local democrary.

So, despite the usual stream of idiotic comments from Georgio, Robbie and Jimmy, my vote for the most ridiculous comments of 2015 goes to Paula Fletcher, because her defence of her vote represents everything that is wrong with the political system in this city.
