Initially proposed almost two years ago, Parallax Investment Corporation's plan for Theory Condos has been advancing, and is now one step closer to transforming the southeast corner of College and Beverley streets just across from the University of Toronto. When we last updated the status of this Page + Steele / IBI Group Architects-designed condominium tower back in June, a redesign of the initial proposal—a requirement set out by the OMB before approval would be granted—had just been unveiled. Now, Site Plan Application documents submitted to the City are detailing further changes to the proposed condo tower.

Looking east to Theory Condos, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto

Since the June reveal of the new design, the 29-storey count has been restated to 30 storeys with the renumbering of the mezzanine as the 2nd floor. The architectural top of the building is now planned for 101.5 metres (333 feet) from established grade to the top of the parapet wall around the roof, while the overall unit count has been reduced from 309 down to 243 units. They are now proposed in a mix of 159 one-bedroom units, 56 two-bedroom units, and 28 three-or-more-bedroom units.

Theory Condos' skyline, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto

The building's six-storey podium will contain over 2,000 m² of non-residential floor area, with 1,689 m² of office space on the 3rd and 4th floors, and 324 m² of retail space at grade. Theory Condos will also have 466 m² of indoor amenity space on the podium's second level, and 397 m² of indoor space on the 7th level connected with a 397 m² outdoor terrace atop a stepback on the east side of the building.

Podium at Theory Condos, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto

Included in the latest architectural plans are details of the materials that will be used to clad the building. The exterior of Theory Condos' tower will be finished in a mix of vision glass and grey glazing, with spandrel glass, metal panels, and a mix of light and dark grey metal louvres. The podium volume will include a mix of dark metal panels, vision glass, and stone veneers.

College Street elevation, Theory Condos, image retrieved from submission to City of Toronto

Additional information and renderings of Theory Condos can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The second paragraph has been reworded to better reflect the change in the number of stated storeys in the building.

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