As the most prominent part of the first phase of Alexandra Park's extensive revitalization, Tridel's SQ Condos is now structurally complete just northwest of Queen and Spadina. Designed by Toronto's Teeple Architects, the 14-storey condominium has made significant construction progress since we lasted visited the site in April, where cladding had just begun as the building was about to top off.

Yellow panels accenting the cubist balconies, image by Forum contributor Tony L

With distinctive cladding now enveloping the building, the articulated balcony design is showing its full effect of 'popping' out of the façade. Inside, drywall installation is now underway, with the process reaching the 6th floor as of late November.

As seen above, the silver-white aluminum cladding is accented by dark window wall and bright yellow balcony panels. The use of yellow panels also runs through the neighbouring—and recently completed—Atkinson Co-Op townhouses, designed by LGA Architectural Partners.

The recently completed Atkinson Co-Op townhouses, image by Forum contributor Mafaldaboy

While Phase One of the revitalization—which is a partnership between the City of Toronto, Tridel, and TCHC—is estimated to be completed in 2019, it will likely be at least a decade before the full vision for Alexandria Park is built out.

Tridel's Master Plan for the site, click for a closer view, image via Tridel

In addition to affordable housing, mate-rate condos, and rent-geared to income projects, future phases will include a new community centre, and a central park, along with a new street grid that will improve connectivity to Toronto's urban fabric. The enhanced connectivity will be accomplished by re-connecting Grange Avenue from Augusta to Spadina, and by creating a new east-west street bridging Augusta and Cameron.

A rendering of SQ2, image via Tridel

Across Vanauley Street—which is also being extended—demolition is now underway for SQ2 (above). Another Teeple-designed project, the 14-storey condominium will add another 169 residences to the community, replacing rows of townhouses. Set to rise just north of a recently revitalized TCHC building, the darker material finishes of SQ2 will contrast (and hopefully complement) its lighter-toned neighbour to the east. 

SQ nearly fully clad in its aluminum panels, image by Forum contributor Mafaldaboy

We will keep you updated as construction nears completion and residents begin to move in next year. In the meantime, our dataBase files include more information about the Alexandra Park Revitalization, including renderings of the completed projects. Want to share your thoughts? Feel free to leave a comment on the project in the space provided below, or join in the ongoing conversation on the associated Forum thread. 

Related Companies:  EQ Building Performance Inc., Jablonsky, Ast and Partners, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, KIRKOR Architects and Planners, Kramer Design Associates Limited, Peter McCann Architectural Models Inc., Rebar Enterprises Inc, SvN, Tridel, U31, Unilux HVAC Industries Inc., Urban Strategies Inc.