With fencing surrounding the lot and the sales centre now closed, the site of State Building Group and Madison Homes' 609 Avenue Road is soon to be a hub of construction. With preparatory work now underway, the new year will see construction begin in earnest, with shoring and excavation set to commence once the site is cleared.

The site on November 28th, 2016, image by Jack Landau


In the coming weeks, the removal of the sales centre will allow for the entirety of the 2,045 m² lot to be cleared. Once the lot is clear, shoring machines will prepare the site for excavation, with much of the construction process over the next many months occupied with labour-intensive below grade work. 

609 Avenue Road, image courtesy of State/Madison

The project will join a densely populated stretch of Avenue Road that divides Forest Hill from Deer Park. Characterized by a cluster of mid-century towers—all set back from the street and fronted by greenery—the long block between Upper Canada College and St. Clair Avenue West is an established urban neighbourhood. To the south, however, St. Clair has become something of a development hub, with recent and ongoing projects like ZIGG Condos and the multi-phase Imperial Plaza (below) contributing greater vibrancy to the area.

The new retail interior of Imperial Plaza, image by Jack Landau

Rising to a height of 19 storeys, the Richmond Architects-designed project will add 161 condominium units to the area, ranging in size from 510 ft² to just over 1,700 ft². The one to three-bedroom suites offer a variety of living spaces, which are aimed at a reasonably diverse group of buyers, including single professionals and young families.  

The party room, image courtesy of State/Madison

Featuring interiors by Tomas Pearce, 609 Avenue Road's suites were previewed in an earlier story, along with a look at the residential amenities.  

The 'sky terrace,' image courtesy of State/Madison

We will keep you updated as construction begins, and the project begins to make an impact on the street. In the meantime, further information can be found in our dataBase file, linked below. Want to share your thoughts? Leave a comment in the space provided on this page, or join the ongoing conversation in our associated Forum threads. 

Related Companies:  Egis, Madison Group, Milborne Group, Ryan Design International, Unilux HVAC Industries Inc.