Following the success of the initial block of three towers and townhomes at ELAD Canada's Emerald City at Don Mills and Sheppard in North York, construction is well underway on three new WZMH Architects-designed buildings to the south. Referred to as 'Block B', the site consists of first phase Colours of Emerald City fronting Don Mills Road, second phase Fifth on the Park fronting Helen Lu and Forest Manor Roads, and third phase The Park Club  fronting Forest Manor Road and George Henry Blvd. All three phases will be joined by a large below-grade parking structure.

Panoramic view of construction at Emerald City's Block B, image by Jack LandauPanoramic view of construction at Emerald City's Block B, image by Jack Landau

Now over 80% sold, the block will introduce several hundred new units into the area, starting with the 13-storey Colours of Emerald City on the west side of the site. Currently the furthest along, Colours is now 11 storeys tall, and recently had its first panels of window wall cladding installed on its lower levels. The structure is expected to top out and have its exterior envelope fully installed by the end of the year. Occupancy for the building is tentatively scheduled to begin next summer.

Colours of Emerald City nearing final height, image by Jack LandauColours of Emerald City nearing final height, image by Jack Landau

At the southeast corner of the site, forming is well underway for the P1 level of Fifth on the Park's portion of the shared parking structure. Once above grade, the 24-storey tower's massing will follow the curving alignment of Helen Lu Road.

Fifth on the Park soon to rise above grade, image by Jack LandauFifth on the Park soon to rise above grade, image by Jack Landau

At the northeast corner of the site, The Park Club's first below-grade level is taking shape. Rising to a height of 33 storeys, The Park Club will eventually be the tallest building on Block B. At the centre of its footprint, formwork is now in place for the P3 level's elevator core, while completed supporting columns and rebar cages for future columns are also visible.

Below-grade progress at The Park Club, image by Jack LandauBelow-grade progress at The Park Club, image by Jack Landau

A brief video overview of the site helps to show just how large the footprint and shared parking structure are.

Just southeast of the Block B site, the finishing touches are now being installed at the Diamond Schmitt Architects-designed second phase of the recently-opened Parkway Forest Community Centre. The second phase's basketball courts and outdoor playground are already in use by community residents, and will soon be conveyed to the city. Next to open is the Parkway Forest Outdoor Pool, which features a pavilion with lockers, changing rooms, and a staff room.

Parkway Forest Outdoor Pool pavilion, image by Jack LandauParkway Forest Outdoor Pool pavilion, image by Jack Landau

The pool itself features an outdoor lighting system that will allow public use of the facility well into the evening hours once it opens next summer.

Parkway Forest Outdoor Pool, image by Jack LandauParkway Forest Outdoor Pool, image by Jack Landau

You can learn more about the Emerald City community by visiting our dataBase files for the projects, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment using the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Almadev, Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Blackwell, Diamond Schmitt Architects, Egis, II BY IV DESIGN, WZMH Architects