Five months after a public consultation provided new details about Harhay Developments and Carttera Private Equities' redevelopment of the southwest corner of Church Street and The Esplanade, a new rendering is highlights the evolved design of the architectsAlliance-designed project, now being marketed as '75 on The Esplanade'.

Rendering of 75 on The Esplanade, image courtesy of Harhay/Carttera

While the rendering above presents a 34-storey tower rising from a red brick-clad base with an 11-storey volume fronting Church and a 7-storey volume fronting The Esplanade, we have learned from the developer that the proposal has since been scaled back to a height of 29 storeys to better fit the urban fabric of the surrounding St. Lawrence neighbourhood. Podium heights reference adjacent buildings, with frontage on Church Street mirroring the height of the adjacent 55 The Esplanade, an 8-storey TCHC building atop a 5-storey parking garage, constructed in 1981. Frontage on The Esplanade will reach a similar height as the terraced Novotel hotel to the west at 45 The Esplanade.

Since colonnades are generally discouraged by the City Planning Department as they attribute to them a negative impact on retail spaces, the existing colonnade at 45 The Esplanade will not be continued. In its place, a sheltered canopy will continue this block's pedestrian weather protection, while vertical piers at the base of the podium create an architectural dialogue with the adjacent colonnade.

Rendering of 75 on The Esplanade, image courtesy of Harhay/Carttera

The new rendering also sheds light on the details of the tower itself, which will feature an envelope of offset frames which evoke the image of the stacked brickwork used on the exterior of many buildings in the surrounding area. Balconies are incorporated in an irregular arrangement that adds a dynamic quality to the exterior.

Rendering of 75 on The Esplanade, image courtesy of Harhay/Carttera

We will be sure to return with additional information as the project continues to work its way through the planning and approvals process. In the meanwhile, you can visit the project's dataBase entry, linked below, to view the available info. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment using the space provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  architects—Alliance, Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Carttera Private Equities, Egis, II BY IV DESIGN, Myles Burke Architectural Models