Residents are now moving into Alterra Group of Companies' recently completed Post House Condos as finishing touches wrap up on the 21-storey condominium tower at Adelaide and George Streets. The project has added plenty of new residential density to the quickly-revitalizing area on the east side of Downtown Toronto, while maintaining and improving upon a historic landmark at street level.
Residents of the development's 278 condominium units will particularly enjoy a new Privately-Owned Publicly accessible Space—knows as a "POPS"—sitting between the base of the new condo and the historic "Toronto's First Post Office" from which the condominium project draws its name. Designed by Mark Schollen of Schollen & Company, the courtyard knits together the buff brick back of the historic post office and neighbouring buildings with the similarly coloured brick base of the Wallman Architects-designed Post House.
While accessible to the public, the courtyard isn't exactly obvious to passersby, with its entrance down a laneway tucked in between the historic post office and the base of the new development, accessed from George Street just north of Adelaide.
Mounted on the wall of the condo a couple metres in from George Street is a large plaque which marks the historical significance of the site, including information about Toronto's first post office, first Postmaster, and a brief history of Canadian postage stamps from the earliest days of the service.
Once inside the courtyard, those exploring the space will find that each of the six stamps listed on the plaque have been etched into pavers featured prominently throughout the courtyard. A 1911 two-cent stamp commemorating the coronation of King George V can be seen in the image below.
The buff-brick exterior of Post House Condos' base adds a modern touch to the northern side of the courtyard, complementing the historic brick structures to the south, while newly-built concrete steps and ramps into the older structures mark our contemporary concerns for full accessibility.
A comprehensive collection of information and renderings can be found in our dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads (where you will find many more images of the courtyard), or voice your opinion in the comments section provided at the bottom of this page.
Related Companies: | Alterra Group of Companies, Milborne Group, Schollen & Company, U31 |