Word on the UrbanToronto Forum is that the massive parking garage located at 50 Cumberland Street was recently bought by an unknown developer. It is rumoured that the site is the future home of two tower, 46 and 56 storeys high. These two buildings would be looking directly across at the West and East Residences of the new Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences.   

Image by greenleaf

The Google map below gives a better idea of just how close the two structures would be. The image was taken while the Four Seasons was still in construction. We can see it situated in the top left-hand portion of the shot sitting against Bay Street. The parking garage in questionis located directly across the street (Yorkville Avenue) — it's the large grey building on the bottom half of the shot. Word has it the garage will close and construction will begin in 2012.

Image by Google Maps

It is confirmed that the site has sold to an unnamed developer, but what exactly will be build there or the number of storeys, has not been confirmed or made official at this time. We'll definitely be reporting more on this site as the story unfolds!

What do you think of the Four Seasons' potential new neighbour? Let us know in the Comment section below or check out the forum for more updates. You can also view detailed info on the Four Seasons in UrbanToronto's  dataBase via the link below.

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