Streetcar Development's first phase of its Corktown District condominium project is nearing completion on King Street East west of the Don River. The project is different from most new developments in the city in that its buildings are not on the same property, but are scattered about the Corktown district... hence the name. While other buildings divide one building from the next, the various component buildings are within view of each other. Quadrangle Architects has designed them all as siblings with a family resemblance.

The most complete of the buildings is 52 Sumach, here shot from King Street:

52 Sumach Street as seen from King Street

52 Sumach closer up:

52 Sumach Street

52 Sumach stitched panorama:

Fisheye of 52 Sumach Street

569 King East:

569 King Street East

Urban Towns on Percy Street:

Townhomes on Percy Street

Long and narrow Roman-style brick:

Roman-style brick

549 King East from across the intersection at Sumach:

The corner of 549 King Street East

549 King East west side:

549 King Street East from across Sumach Street

549 King East on the receiving end:

Cherrypicker at 549 King Street East

549 King East from the southwest:

Cherrypicker at 549 King Street East

549 King East with more stlll to be done:

Fisheye of 549 King Street East

These phase one buildings will soon be joined by phase two at 510 King East, closer to River Street.