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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I was in 35, 36 and 43 today and saw a lot of Crawford signs, including some he himself was putting out. I was also in whatever ward is in the Coxwell/Gerrard area and saw some Chow and Tory signs. A few Ford signs in the Kingston and McCowan areas, too. What struck me as funny was that every sign I saw had the full name of every person except the Ford ones. They definitely planned this a while back but I'm sure they didn't expect Rob to have to pull out due to cancer.

In 35 this AM - very early - and saw a few Chow signs and one Tory.
Also - I saw several Paul Bocking signs - and one for Berardinetti.

No Ford signs at all.
I was in Mammoliti's ward at around 2 am last night, and by then he had already planted massive signs everywhere along every major road. I'm talking large signs with tall wooden posts, nothing smaller than that. Many properties had not one but least three of them side by side, whereas other candidates didn't have nearly as many. I think Mammo's strategy was to canvass every house or building along major roads and put the signs there where it's more visible compared to side streets. But I have to wonder how his team put so many signs in such a short period of time.

I'm pretty sure he will be dinged with a violation of camping signage policy.
The provincial govenment can reshape boundaries as they see fit, but deamalgamation would be a remarkably stupid idea. Amalgamation has been going on in Toronto for 150 years - no need to go back to four levels of government just because a one-term failure is class-baiting.

For sure.
If anything, what we need is an even broader regional government so we don't have (oh, as a hypothetical example!) a provincial agency designing a coherent transit network and then (still hypothetically!) totally unqualified politicians devising their own systems, almost down to the EA-level of routing. Right now the actual patterns (where people move and goods, where jobs go etc.) are taking place at a regional scale.
If we like to look to New York as the "World Class" city we'd like to be, imagine what a mess it would be if Brooklyn, Manhattan and the other boroughs were governed separately. It would be utter chaos.
They key isn't separating "us" from "them," it's realizing that we're ALL "us."

(Amalgamation was never the problem. It was how Mike Harris did it: top-down, looking at purported money savings rather than reading the Golden Report or otherwise considering where to draw the lines etc. Basically, he did it to stick the municipalities with less power and give the province more money, but, at a broad level, redrawing those lines was necessary, even in 1995.)
I think directly affected means also lives with,or has a loved one who is addicted. Addiction #s are generally thought to affect 5-10 % of th population.

Just pointing out the failure in Doug's argument.
A lot of people get drunk and rough up their wife or girlfriend.

Must be OK and forgivable if a lot of people do it, right?

I'm pretty sure he will be dinged with a violation of camping signage policy.

Remember he also illegally installed these camping signs back in June.



  • mammoliti_election_signs.jpg
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What signs have people seen? I passed by DMW's ward on the way home and saw his signs and some for a school trustee. In my ward, I saw some Michael Thompson signs. No Ford ones in sight.

My 'hood looks like a Palacio sign machine vomited all over it during the night.
A serious question: Is there any way for you guys to de-amalgamate? It seems that the suburanators hate the Latteists, so why not amicably divorce and let the Folks Nation types do as they want, while letting the educated Downtown Elites to progress unhindered? I'd be pissed if the asshole parasite/bedroom communities (complete with cowboy silhouettes and front lawn wagon wheels, no shit!) around Calgary could dictate our City's civic policy.

I can't see it happening for so many reasons, but the last election certainly pointed out the fact that the needs of those in Downtown Toronto and those on the fringes and in the suburbs share very few of the same concerns. Having one mayor representing the suburbs and one mayor to represent Downtown was the topic of many discussions. We can dream....
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