X2 Condominiums
X2 Condos, image courtesy of Great Gulf Homes and Lifetime Developments
  8 renderings
X2 Condos Podium and Roof Terrace, image courtesy of Great Gulf Homes and Lifetime Developments
Start with a brilliant site. Be inspired by X, the spectacularly successful condominiums directly north on Charles Street. Create a residence that raises the bar for all others that follow. This is X2. X2 completes the gateway to Yorkville/Bloor. Twin peaks, black with master strokes of primary colour reminiscent of a Mondrian painting. Clean lines. Spectacular city views. Sexy space. Addictive amenities. X2. Move up.

Address 101 Charles St E, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 1T5
Category Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status Complete
Completion 2014
Number of Buildings 1
Height 528 ft / 160.93 m
Storeys 49
Number of Units 557

Architect Wallman Architects
Landscape Architect Janet Rosenberg & Studio
Interior Designer Cecconi Simone
Engineering RJC Engineers
Marketing & Press Ketchum
Email x2sales@x2condos.com

Buildings Discussion
Views: 369K  |  Replies: 1.1K  |  Last Post: Jan 14, 2020

Real Estate Discussion
Views: 92K  |  Replies: 224  |  Last Post: Dec 31, 2017

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