In response to the evolving urban landscape along the Eglinton Line 5 Crosstown LRT, Mattamy Homes has resubmitted an ambitious proposal for 1891 Eglinton Avenue East, located in Toronto's Golden Mile area. The updated plan, designed by Architecture Unfolded, significantly increases density, mirroring the area's transition towards more substantial developments within the Protected Major Transit Station Area of the future Pharmacy stop, less than 100m from the site.

1891 Eglinton Avenue East, designed by Architecture Unfolded for Mattamy Homes

The site, spanning 5 hectares, is divided into two distinct sections. The northern portion, approximately 2.9 hectares, constitutes the primary development site, while the southern 2.1 hectares is not part of the application. The original proposal for this location, submitted in June 2020, has undergone substantial revisions, leading to the current resubmission.

Looking southeast to the current site, image from Google Maps

The revised plan presents a major shift from the original proposal, increasing the total Gross Floor Area (GFA) from 142,407m² to 174,939m². This modification results in a density enhancement from 2.94 FSI to 5.9 FSI. The building heights have also seen a significant adjustment, with the tallest tower now reaching 52 storeys, an increase from the previous maximum of 48 storeys.

Previous design for 1891 Eglinton Avenue East, image from submission to City of Toronto

The development is set to feature five mixed-use towers and one mid-rise building, offering a total of 2,709 residential units, an increase of 648 units from the previous proposal. The architectural design incorporates a blend of high-rise and mid-rise elements. The tallest building, positioned at the northwest corner, would have two towers standing at 48 and 52 storeys, and connected by a 6-storey podium. The three other high-rise towers would offer varying heights of 41, 42, and 46, storeys, respectively located southeast, south, and northeast of the tallest towers. Finally, a 12-storey mid-rise at the south end would complement the high-rise structures.

The podiums along Eglinton Avenue East, image from submission to City of Toronto

A key highlight of the revised proposal is the inclusion of extensive parkland and POPS (Privately Owned Publicly accessible Space), totalling 7,112m². This includes a public park at and a central POPS area of 4,886m². The public park, now relocated to the southwest corner of Pharmacy Road and new public street, spans 2,226m². This relocation allows for optimal sunlight exposure and minimizes shadow impacts.

Public space in the middle of the site, image from submission to City of Toronto

The design includes 2,771m² of indoor amenity space and 3,547m² of outdoor amenity space across various building levels; this is a decrease from the total 7,699m² of amenities in the previous proposal. Furthermore, the development includes a 768m² daycare facility in the podium of the tallest buildings.

A map of the site and surrounding area, image from submission to City of Toronto

Despite the site's location next to the Pharmacy stop on the Eglinton Line 5 Crosstown LRT, the development also plans for a two-level below-grade parking garage serving all six buildings on the site. The proposal includes a total of 1,392 vehicular parking spaces, with 1,303 dedicated to residents and 89 shared between retail and non-residential/visitor uses. For cyclists, the development would offer a substantial 2,278 bicycle parking spaces, comprising 2,047 long-term and 231 short-term spaces. The resubmission allocates a substantial increase for both vehicle and bicycle spaces, at 238 and 774 respectively.

Site plan for 1891 Eglinton Avenue East, image from submission to City of Toronto

The site is part of a broader transformation within the Golden Mile area, with neighbouring proposals reflecting similar trends in density and height. Across the street, the proposal for 1900 Eglinton East calls for towers reaching a height of 48 storeys, while the same height is reached by the tallest buildings for the master-planned community of 1920 Eglinton East to the east, and the Golden Mile Shopping Centre Redevelopment to the west.

Approved tower heights in the area surrounding the site, image from submission to City of Toronto

To ensure an orderly development process and prioritize the delivery of public amenities, the project is planned to be executed in two main phases, each consisting of two sub-phases. Phase 1A would include the construction of the tallest buildings. Each of the subsequent sub-phases would include partial development of the POPS space. Phase 1B is set to include the 46-storey tower, followed by the 42-storey for Phase 2A, and the final two buildings for Phase 2B.

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  Bousfields, Live Patrol Inc., Mattamy Homes, NAK Design Strategies, RWDI Climate and Performance Engineering, VIP Condos Toronto