UrbanToronto's January UTPro New Development Report shows that, after two months of a flurry of major development applications, developers took a winter break in January.

UT Pro is UT's premium database service that collects and reports information on development applications across the Greater Toronto Area.

Visit urbantoronto.ca/pro to learn more.

​​This UTPro New Development Report analyzes new development proposals for large projects submitted to the City of Toronto. (UrbanToronto defines a "large project" as anything larger than a typical detached home.) These numbers are for proposals only, and are subject to change at any time up until (and sometimes even after) completion. Due to the early stage of the development process, some documentation may be missing; the numbers for some components of the data might not add up in some cases.

The Ward map of January 2022 developments, based on data from UrbanToronto Pro.

In January, 2022, there were applications submitted for 5 large projects. A total of 10 new buildings, 810 dwelling units, and 382 parking spaces are proposed. If the new projects are built as planned, they would constitute approximately 62,353m² of Gross Floor Area of development, developed on over 14,300m² of site area, giving a total FSI of 4.36. 

Quantitative summary of new development proposals for Toronto, submitted in January 2022. Data from UrbanToronto Pro.

To contextualize these numbers:

  • Of the five projects proposed in January, four of them detailed their site area and GFA while a proposal at 300 Sidney Belsy Crescent is still missing this information. 
  • At 1.4 hectares, the total site area proposed is roughly one-quarter the size of a typical strip mall in Toronto. 
  • The largest project proposed is 6167 Yonge (designed by IBI Group for Republic Developments).

    6167 Yonge Street. Data from UrbanToronto Pro.

  • Despite being a drastic drop in applications from the previous December and November, these numbers are in line with January applications in previous years.  

New major development proposals submitted in January, from 2018 to 2021.

​Across the five projects, we have records on nearly 49 companies that are working to bring them to life. Here are the nine developers and architects involved: 

Developers and architects for new applications filed in January 2022. Data from UrbanToronto Pro.

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If you would like to stay updated on the latest development news, sign up for a free trial of the New Development Insider. And if you are interested in the data used to generate this report, you can get more details about the UTPro subscription database service here or on the official UTPro page.

For more information about UTPro, contact Edward Skira.