Today's Daily Photo, like yesterday's, was taken by UT Forum contributor @globalexpress, this one on August 30 of the east half of the new Commissioners Street Bridge. Having been barged to a landing spot in Toronto's Port Lands it has since been moved next to the west half, both sections how waiting to be lined up, affixed to each other, and then placed on permanent anchor points on either side of a new mouth for the Don River that Waterfront Toronto is building. Globalexpress's photos of the bridge could all be chosen as our Daily Photo; while the bridge itself is very photogenic, globalexpress' eye for composition and colour make each photo a work of art.

Commissioners Street Bridge sections at rest, image by UT Forum contributor globalexpress

Despite the east and west sections currently sitting offset from each other, from this angle the bridge appears much as it will look once it is aligned and opened. In the foreground is the new valley that is being dug for the new mouth of the Don River. 

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