A massive pit at the site of Metropia and Diamond Corp's AYC Condos has been excavated west of Avenue on Davenport in Toronto's Av & Dav area. The pit will become the parking garage for the 27-storey tower being built along with two blocks of 3-storey townhouses. We last checked in on the early stages of work for the TACT Architecture-designed project back in September, and plenty more has been accomplished in the weeks since.

Excavation for AYC Condos, image by Forum contributor drum118

Following the renovation of an existing 25-storey TCHC rental tower at the east end of the site, demolition cleared away a portion of the rental's aging, overbuilt, and underused parking garage to make way for new development. With most of the area that will be the new garage having already been a tree storey garage, over the last two months there was more clearing away of old materials than there was actual excavation taking place. New shoring walls on the south and west sides have been completed, in the meantime.

Excavation for AYC Condos, image by Forum contributor drum118

With the pit cleared and bottomed out, a rebar cage now marks the first signs of the new building's "raft", a reinforced concrete pad that will anchor the tower. Located on a sloping site, mixing trucks will be able to drive the concrete slurry into te site directly off of Pears Avenue which runs along the site's north side. Following the raft pour, the installation of a tower crane will trigger the start of forming for the west of the garage, set to eventually house 110 parking spaces, with 70 for residents and the remaining 40 for visitors.

Excavation for AYC Condos, image by Forum contributor drum118

Branded AYC Condos by the marketing team for its location where The Annex and the Yorkville neighbourhoods meet (AYC means Annex-Yorkville Connection), the project will bring 281 new condominium units to the site in a mix of 48 one-bedrooms, 148 two-bedrooms, and 85 three-bedrooms. The project will meet the street with 211 m² of retail space fronting the Davenport Road intersection with Bedford Road.

YC Condos, image courtesy of Metropia/Diamond Corp

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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Related Companies:  Diamond Corp, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, Live Patrol Inc., Metropia, Patton Design Studio, The Fence People