A plan from State Building Group to redevelop on the site of a mid-rise office building in Midtown Toronto has been evolving since initially proposed late in 2014 at a height of 47 storeys with a design by Kirkor Architects. 55 Eglinton East was subsequently rejected by City Council in 2016 due to concerns about loss of employment lands, before being appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) in 2017.

Last September, a settlement was reached for conditional approval of a 50-storey, 177.7-metre-high reworking of the project that now includes 6,409 m² of office space on levels 2 through 6, replacing much of the existing 8-storey office building's employment space. The building also proposes 34,223 m² of residential space, and 253 m² of street-fronting retail space.

Latest 50-storey version of 55 Eglinton East, image via submission to City of Toronto

The latest renderings show sweeping changes to the tower's exterior expression. While the tower's rectilinear massing remains, the floorplates and balcony glazing have been revised to create crimped edges on the north and south facades. The building's six-storey podium, and the mechanical penthouse levels, would sport decorative metal louvers with a copper-hued finish, helping to distinguish the tower's base and its place on the local skyline.

Facing southeast to 55 Eglinton East, image via submission to City of Toronto

A total of 461 condominium units are now proposed, representing a slight increase over the original count of 455, in a mix of 125 one-bedroom units with average sizes of 49 m², and 336 two-bedroom units with average sizes of 71 m².

Aerial view facing southeast to 55 Eglinton East, image via submission to City of Toronto

Residential amenity spaces are proposed on the 7th and 8th floors, directly above the office component. These two full floors of amenities include a mix of indoor spaces and outdoor podium-top terraces totalling 1,844 m², or 19,849 ft². Level 7 would include 763 m² of indoor amenity space and 260 m² of outdoor space, while level 8 would include 661 m² of indoor amenities and an additional 131 m² of outdoor space.

Facing southwest to 55 Eglinton East, image via submission to City of Toronto

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Bousfields, EQ Building Performance Inc., KIRKOR Architects and Planners, STUDIO tla