Nobu Toronto, a restaurant, hotel, and condo combo planned for Mercer Street in Toronto's Entertainment District, was officially launched by developers the Madison Group and Westdale Properties today in a press event attended by famed Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa and the co-founder of his restaurant chain, Robert De Niro. The event was held at Nobu Sales Centre at 8 Mercer Street, just across the street from where the development will rise.

Chef Nobu jokes with the development team, including Robert De Niro, at the Nobu Toronto press launch, image by Craig White

Condensing the history somewhat, Chef Nobu's story takes him from Japan to Peru to Los Angeles, where his restaurant was noticed by Robert De Niro. De Niro told him that if he ever wanted to open a restaurant in New York, De Niro would help make that happen. It's now 30 years since they first met, and now there are nearly three dozen Nobu restaurants across the world, more than a dozen hotels open or opening. Toronto is not only the latest to be added to that list, but will also be the first Nobu Residences in the world. It's all about to happen here because the Nobu team and the Madison Group team have found partners in each other that they believe will help allow them to create something special.

Nobu Toronto will rise on the south side of Mercer Street, image by Craig White

With Miguel Singer, Nelly Zagdanski, and Josh Zagdanski speaking speaking for the Madison Group, they indicated the excitement they had in bringing the Nobu organization to Toronto, looking to achieve something beyond the ordinary here. Architect Stephen Teeple spoke of his delight in creating a building that will revitalize Mercer Street, renew the heritage street realm, and add a unique and striking element to the Entertainment District skyline. Alessandro Munge spoke of the quality of experience he wants to bring here—inspired by the ultra-exclusive Nobu Malibu, but tuned for Toronto—both for the 3 dozen luxury hotel suites on the uppermost five floors of the 49-storey west tower at Nobu, and for the residences in the rest of the complex.

De Niro and Matsuhisa mug for the cameras at the Nobu Toronto press launch, image by Craig White

Nelly Zagdanski stressed the quality of the amenities at the complex, and that everything in the development is being designed to provide a holistic experience. For Nobu Matsuhisa, it comes down to making people happy. Simply, that has always been his aim at his restaurants, becoming the basis for the company's worldwide hotels, and now with his name about to be added to the skyline (clearly in the image at the top of the story, he's rather excited about that), he wants to bring the same quality in dining and accommodation to the living experience here in Toronto too.

Alessandro Munge shows off the kitchen vignette to Nobu Matsuhisa, image by Craig White

We will be back with much more on the Nobu Toronto soon. In the meantime, you can find out more about this development from our dataBase file, linked below. Want to talk about the project? You can get in on the conversation in the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the field provided on this page.

Related Companies:  Ferris + Associates Inc., Isotherm Engineering Ltd., Madison Group, New Release Condo, Norris Fire Consulting Inc, Quasar Consulting Group, Rebar Enterprises Inc, Turner Fleischer Architects, Unilux HVAC Industries Inc.