In the nine months since our last update on Symmetry DevelopmentsOrigami, the Teeple Architects-designed project has reached its final height of seven storeys—back in mid-August of 2015—and started cladding installation later that month. 

Origami Lofts, Symmetry Developments, Teeple Architects, TorontoOrigami Lofts viewed from Bathurst Street, image by Craig White

Glazing now seals off much of the structure's main volume as well as the rectilinear "jewel-box" top. We will soon see the realization of the building's main exterior expression, in the form of a "folded" zinc facade. The portions of the structure awaiting the installation of zinc cladding are clearly marked by the presence of blue weatherproofing material and horizontal metal brackets that the cladding will be fixed to.

Origami Lofts, Symmetry Developments, Teeple Architects, TorontoOrigami Lofts viewed from Wolseley Street, image by Craig White

Once completed later this year, the mid-rise project will add just 24 new residential units to Bathurst Street, north of Queen. Residents of the completed development will enjoy a modest amenity space with interiors appointed by DKStudio, giving residents a common space to entertain without the maintenance costs of multiple amenity areas typically associated with larger developments.

Origami Lofts, Symmetry Developments, Teeple Architects, TorontoOrigami Lofts viewed from the north on Bathurst Street, image by Craig White

The building's final appearance with the zinc panels installed is pictured in the rendering below.

Origami Lofts, Symmetry Developments, Teeple Architects, TorontoRendering of Origami Lofts, image courtesy of Symmetry Developments

Additional information and renderings can be found in Origami's dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment using the space provided at the bottom of this page.

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