Construction of the Toronto Transit Commission's Toronto York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE) continues in northwestern Toronto and southern Vaughan. The project marked an important milestone towards the end of September, when 2,700 cubic metres of concrete were poured to create the roof of the new York University Station. To document the event, the TTC created a time lapse video showing the complex operation from start to finish, conveniently compressed into just one minute and forty seconds.

Approximately 180 cubic metres of concrete were poured per hour by the 100-man crew, using 338 truckloads of concrete supplied by four concrete plants. After 15 hours, the entire roof had been poured, including the unique "waffle" beams that support it.

We will return with additional updates as work continues on the new subway extension. In the meantime, you can get involved in the discussion by checking out the associated Forum thread for the project, or by leaving a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.