Several months have passed since our last update on the construction of Metropia, Bazis, and Plaza's Exhibit Residences, a new condominium tower located on Bloor Street West directly across from the Royal Ontario Museum. Last time we reported on the 32-storey Rosario Varacalli-designed development, the concrete structure of the eight storey podium was nearing its full height, with glazing tests taking place on the south-facing balconies. In the time since, the building has nearly doubled in height up to the fifteenth floor, forming the main volume of the second cube stacked on top of the podium, while the glazing tests for the fritted glass balconies remain in place on the lower floors.

View from the southwest of construction progressing, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor G.L.17

The design of the tower features four cubes stacked atop each other, each slightly rotated and finished with fritted glass panels. The first cube, an eight-storey podium featuring an above-ground parking garage at the rear, has reached its full height, with dark mullioned glazing now installed up to the seventh floor. The eighth floor, which seems to have a higher ceiling height than the lower floors, is still awaiting its exterior finish. Work on the remainder of the tower is progressing quickly, with the second cube nearly reaching its full height as construction crews are now up to the fifteenth floor.

View from the south of construction progressing, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor G.L.17

We first noticed the glazing tests for the fritted glass in November 2014. In the most recent photos, it can be seen that tests continue, with some panels now moved to the sixth floor balconies. To the left, two translucent options featuring smaller frits can be seen, in contrast with two more opaque options to the right, which feature larger frits. Some of the test panels on the second floor balconies still remain.

Different types of balcony glazing being tested at Exhibit, image by UrbanToronto Forum contributor G.L.17

The range in opacity of the panels seems to imply that the final cladding is still up for debate, though their installation on the upper floors provides us with a clearer picture of the final outcome. Regardless of their transparency, the contrast between the fritted glass panels and the dark mullions of the glazing behind will provide a striking aesthetic once the building is complete.

Exhibit Residences condo by Bazis, Metropia, Pure Plaza, looking west on Bloor, image courtesy of Bazis/Plaza/Metropia

Exhibit Residences should continue to rise at a good pace, with extra time being taken at each cube rotation. We are watching in anticipation for the tower to take its place in the Toronto skyline over the coming months!

Additional information and renderings of a complete Exhibit Residences can be found in our dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out Exhibit's associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the section provided at the bottom of this page.

Related Companies:  Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Isotherm Engineering Ltd., Metropia, o2 Planning and Design, Plaza, Ryan Design International