There are several high-rise condominium developments currently rising in Toronto's Entertainment District, one of the city's most rapidly densifying areas. On the southeast corner of Peter and Richmond Streets, construction is progressing at Tableau Condominiums, a 36-storey, Wallman Architects-designed condo tower by UrbanCapital Property GroupMalibu Investments and ALIT Developments, currently standing at 18 storeys, half way towards its final height.

Tableau Condos viewed from Peter Street, just south of Queen, image by Jack Landau

As a condominium tower rises and concrete floors are completed, different trades move up the tower to work on the various elements that form a condominium unit, including plumbing, electrical, cladding, studding, drywall, and finally fixtures and finishes. We took the opportunity during a recent tour to turn the camera around 180 degrees from the shot taken above, and visited the same spot in northwest corner on floor after floor to take in the construction process.

We are going to work down the tower, starting below where the fly forms still obscure the view of the space. 14, 15, and 16 currently look the same, so we begin on the 14th floor, where the northwest corner suite is still in its rawest state, unsealed from the elements, with telescopic shoring posts in place to support the curing concrete floor above.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 14th floor, image by Jack Landau

The space on level 13 is in the same condition as the floor above, though the lack of shoring posts shows that the concrete slab above has cured sufficiently. A stack of window panels is visible on the right hand side of the image, indicating that cladding installation for this floor is imminent.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 13th floor, image by Jack Landau

Descending to the 12th level shows the cladding process under way, with the windows in place, but no sliding doors yet: it was still pretty cold on this floor.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 12th floor, image by Jack Landau

On level 11, the sliding doors are in, sealing the floor off from the winter weather outside. Interior work has begun here, with plumbing work evident inside the suite, while studding in the foreground indicates we are actually standing in the hallway outside the suite.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 11th floor, image by Jack Landau

On the 10h level, some insulation is in, and we can see the back of drywall which has been installed on the suite-side of the studding. A conduit hangs in the foreground, soon to carry wires.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 10th floor, image by Jack Landau

The hallway on the 9th floor reveals drywall to the left of the door frame, while in the suite behind we can see studding for interior walls has gone in.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 9th floor, image by Jack Landau

The 8th floor looks much like the 9th, though it has been cleaned up as all the studding has been completed here.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 8th floor, image by Jack Landau

The unit is really taking shape on the 7th floor of the building, with drywall and electrical going in.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 7th floor, image by Jack Landau

On level 6 the drywall is all in, and supplies are off the floor. Drywall installation has also proceeded on the hallway, and an electrical box is full of wires, waiting for the circuit breakers.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 6th floor, image by Jack Landau

Everything's a little different on the 5th floor. The ceilings are higher here, and we are just above the podium roof, giving some of these suites some terraces. As there will be more custom work on this floor, things are not so far along here.

Northwest corner unit on Tableau's 5th floor, image by Jack Landau

On the 4th floor, it's a whole new ballgame: we're not in a suite here at all now. This is a double-height level where the building's amenities will be located, and with none of the fully custom glazing installed on this floor yet, we are wide-open to the winter weather again.

Northwest corner of Tableau's 4th floor, image by Jack Landau

Below the 4th are two levels of office space, then Tableau's lobby space at ground level. We will return in coming days to look around these podium levels a lot more, to see where the amenities will be going, what the office space is like, and to get a good look at the huge sheltered piazza below Tableau's "table".

In the meantime, additional information and renderings can be found in our Tableau dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum threads, or leave a comment in the space provided at the bottom of this page.

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