UrbanToronto's tour of the Four Seasons construction site continues today, this time focusing on the current state of the hotel room floors of the tower.

There was a fair bit of water on the floor - rain had just ended. 

Here Joseph Francavilla, Menkes Vice President of Highrise Residential, Goran Skara, Project Superintendent for the Four Seasons, and Ed Skira of UrbanToronto take in the view from the 14th floor. No windows this high up yet. 

Ed grabs a shot...

...something like this, looking down at the site of Tower 2: 

Over on the south side you will find a loading platform hanging out over the edge. 

For those with any amount of acrophobia (me, Ed) the idea of stepping out on to one is somewhat daunting. 

The platforms are held in place by these posts which press against the floor above. 

Feeling assured, venturing out onto the platform affords views like this: 

Back inside, and down on the 11th floor, we got a look at the shaft where the crane had once been: 

Look up, and you can see the bottom of the crane attached to the 14th floor slab: 

Look down, and you can see down as far as the 4th foor where rebar has gone in prior to the hole being filled with concrete: 

You might have noticed three photos above, that on the 11th floor, the windows are in: 

Close up, you can see the fins that are attached to the south side. 

Here's a fin, waiting for its day in the sun. The fins will also be installed on the tower's north facade. 

If that was a fin, this is a wing: 

... and still focused on the windows, here is one of the operable ones. They're pretty big actually, over a foot high. 

This view is to the northwest, past the Regency across Bay Street: 

And this view will someday feature tower 2: 

To finish our tour, we head down here tomorrow, into the podium:

Stay tuned for more from the Menkes and Lifetime Developments developed hotel and condo tower. 

Related Companies:  architects—Alliance, CCxA, L.A. Inc., Menkes Developments, o2 Planning and Design