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Three tips about mounting a flat panel above a fireplace:

1) A burning fireplace below a flat panel can be a distraction from what is happening on the TV and can cause eye strain or headaches

2) The heat from a fireplace can damage or shorten the life of the panel, the electronics inside and related cables. If you must have this option the installation should only be done by a qualified, professional installer who will first measure the temperature output above the top of the fireplace to ensure the heat output doesn't exceed the panel's recommended temperature standards.

3) If the panel is installed too high above a fireplace your going to end up with neck strain

...for your consideration.
yup... plus an extra ($500-$1k?) if you want that metal housing for the 'urban' fireplace

i was offered the urban fireplace free in my Vu condo, but turned it down b/c it was too big and waste of precious RE ... 50"w x 20" d x floor-ceiling h.

they wouldn't allow me to modify it before installation to make it shallower (ie. 12") or make a tv cabinet; or give it to me first and leave it for me to install myself later. :(

but like simuls said, i probably can have one constructed for $1K.
Three tips about mounting a flat panel above a fireplace:

1) A burning fireplace below a flat panel can be a distraction from what is happening on the TV and can cause eye strain or headaches

2) The heat from a fireplace can damage or shorten the life of the panel, the electronics inside and related cables. If you must have this option the installation should only be done by a qualified, professional installer who will first measure the temperature output above the top of the fireplace to ensure the heat output doesn't exceed the panel's recommended temperature standards.

3) If the panel is installed too high above a fireplace your going to end up with neck strain

Maybe tonight's martini packed a little hard punch than normal. I just can't believe this.
From the pictures I've seen, a wood burning fireplace this aint. It is not a gas fireplace. It is not a gel burnining or even an electric fireplace. It's a freakin shiny metal box, and it looks like someone placed five fat little candles in it.
I have to pause here while I wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes.
You pay that kind of money... for this??
After an evening in front of the 'fireplace' what then? A nice hot bath? You can blow bubbles in it and call it a Jacuzzi!:rolleyes:
My design apt. is this Sunday. Just wondering what color people chose for their floor, countertop and cabinets.
I chose the dark brown standard hardwood
Grey obichi cabinets (but it really shows more like brown with a hint of grey)
White Quartz countertops
Same color grey in the washroom for the under sink cabinet
Dark Grey Tiles for the bathroom (just like the showroom)
white tiles for the bathtub (same as the showroom)
clear glass tiles for the backsplash

the colors are easily the hardest part of the design appointment.

I have done some slight double guessing by not going with the dark brown (hardwood)/dark brown (cabinet) but I think it should play out fine.

I'd be curious to know what other ppl chose.

My other 2nd choice was to do the all white cabinetry for $700+, but it seemed like the wood panels (standard) were better than the white upgrade because it was a particle board laminate.
I chose the dark brown standard hardwood
Grey obichi cabinets (but it really shows more like brown with a hint of grey)
White Quartz countertops
Same color grey in the washroom for the under sink cabinet
Dark Grey Tiles for the bathroom (just like the showroom)
white tiles for the bathtub (same as the showroom)
clear glass tiles for the backsplash

the colors are easily the hardest part of the design appointment.

I have done some slight double guessing by not going with the dark brown (hardwood)/dark brown (cabinet) but I think it should play out fine.

I'd be curious to know what other ppl chose.

My other 2nd choice was to do the all white cabinetry for $700+, but it seemed like the wood panels (standard) were better than the white upgrade because it was a particle board laminate.

Darn, I thought white cabintry would be standard. Do they have something like a light gray hardwood?
Yes, they do have a light grey hardwood, and it is standard

if u give me u'r email, i can send you a pic from the design center

It doesn't really show up on the pic as it looks to be grey-browish but in person looks like a light grey
Actually, if your on 18th+, i think there are certain cabinets (white included) that are standard.....Someone else might be able to confirm this as I'm on a lower floor.
Yes, they do have a light grey hardwood, and it is standard

if u give me u'r email, i can send you a pic from the design center

It doesn't really show up on the pic as it looks to be grey-browish but in person looks like a light grey

I PMed you my e-mail. Did you do any upgrades?
Design Centre Appointments

Anyone knows what floor are they calling for design centre appointments. Seems like quite a few have already done the colour/upgrade selections. I am on 33rd floor and bought in Nov.'08 at the peak of the prices - that's bad news but building is shaping out to be great.
just did my colour and upgrades this week.
bought on the 29th floor.
the cecconi simone features that are available are well thought out and make better and more efficient uses of the space.
Design Centre Appointments

Thanks Professor for such a quick reply. Any sense of what upgrades costs. i will like to get dining table extension to the island, shower stall instead of bath tub, and perhaps wood floor in the bedroom. I wonder if the fireplace is worth the cost.
chic shing...

We purchased on the 18 floor ( Neutra ) and after all was said and done we spent $36,000 on upgrades...So bring your check book because the standard selections are not that great...And don't forget to ask for the smooth ceiling (an upgrade) it will cost you a lot more to have stipple removed later. BTW the hardwood floor selection is poor . And if you feel you might need more time than 45 min with the design consultant ( Nicole ) You better request in advance. there are allot of bases to cover. and the time flies so you wouldn't want to miss anything.

You spent $36 K?

What did you spend it all on?

Were you able to work in the upgrades into the price of the condo?
